I just have one question, if you’re driving and your car breaks down, why would you not let your partner know? Like even just sending a quick text? Isn’t that a pretty normal thing to do in a relationship? Like, your car broke down, you’re getting it towed, an acquaintance is giving you a ride, you not gonna mention any of that????
They obviously are not the type to text their partners "omg I just farted" and they don't see each other all day, just the nights because both of em are busy.if he texted Hyuk would not come running would he? It would be better and practical to call a mechanic and honestly he is gaslighting himself that Hyuk ain't cheating on him so he might be a lil avoidant of Hyuk and he thinks Hyuk is avoiding him. Just read the room yk.He might have had called Hyuk if that director did not catch up to him in the nick of time. He must've thought oh I am gonna get there anyways I will tell him when we will chat.
They obviously are not the type to text their partners "omg I just farted" and they don't see each other all day, just the nights because both of em are busy.if he texted Hyuk would not come running would he? I... BangtanDarkHugs
That’s such an odd equivalence to make. Letting your partner know that your car literally stopped working while you were on the road driving is not even remotely close to texting your partner something dumb like “I just farted.”
With stories like this, when the seme confines the uke, I always wonder, does it even feel good to watch the light drain out of the eyes of someone you claim to love, all for your own selfish reasons? Like there’s gatta be a level of delusion right, or pretty intense denial?
there is no "love". it's all about obsession, control, and getting what they want no matter the cost. No sane person who actually loves someone could bring themselves to commit such acts. He's a deranged psycho, and I don't believe he's capable of normal love.
Bro giving him unregulated illicit substances that he got from a back alley deal that allegedly has no side effects and has the gall to wonder what’s wrong with him. Hope the dads beat the crap out him when the truth finally comes to light
But for a god of death, we have barely, and I mean barely, seen him use his powers. He might as well not even be a god at this point. Author could made him another elder or something.
The true villain in this story is the dad. How could you leave your one and only chick in that situation? How could he even let that situation go on for so long without taking any action to get his wife the help she needed and made sure his son got treatment to undo all the damage his wife caused?
I just have one question, if you’re driving and your car breaks down, why would you not let your partner know? Like even just sending a quick text? Isn’t that a pretty normal thing to do in a relationship? Like, your car broke down, you’re getting it towed, an acquaintance is giving you a ride, you not gonna mention any of that????
They obviously are not the type to text their partners "omg I just farted" and they don't see each other all day, just the nights because both of em are busy.if he texted Hyuk would not come running would he? It would be better and practical to call a mechanic and honestly he is gaslighting himself that Hyuk ain't cheating on him so he might be a lil avoidant of Hyuk and he thinks Hyuk is avoiding him. Just read the room yk.He might have had called Hyuk if that director did not catch up to him in the nick of time. He must've thought oh I am gonna get there anyways I will tell him when we will chat.
He must've thought of the ride as nothing important to mention
That’s such an odd equivalence to make. Letting your partner know that your car literally stopped working while you were on the road driving is not even remotely close to texting your partner something dumb like “I just farted.”