This maybe spoilerish, so proceed with caution
Just skimmed through the novel and I’m very unhappy with how the author wraps up this atrocious scheme. Anyway, let’s just say if the Manhua is staying faithful to the novel this is going to get dragged all the way to the wedding. Yes, that’s right. The wedding. Oh Susan will be pregnant and continues to badger FL. Meanwhile ML will side with Susan and treat FL so horribly that I wish FL slap him silly for being a callous prick. Better yet divorce him, but no the novel makes her too kind, naive, and soft hearted.
Not sure if the pregnancy will happen in the manhua. In the novel, it’s clear how ML makes the witch pregnant—by drugging her and have someone else doing her. But in the manhua—ML “stays in bed” with Susan, so not sure whether the manhua will deviate.
But that doesn’t matter. ML and his witch mistress will continue to torture FL. But in the end FL doesn’t get angry with him at all, after breaking her heart over and over again. Well, FL did leave ML and not reconcile with him right away, but it’s for an entirely different reason, a reason that is quite dumb—noble idiotic route, anyone?
I do hope the manhua author will torture ML or at least make FL vent at him. At this time, despite his “noble” purpose of protecting FL, he is nothing but a two-timing, cheating scumbag. It would’ve been good if FL is not as soft and naive and fall for another man in the middle of the fiasco ML is creating. Let him continue “being married” to the witch while FL can be with another man who truly deserves her.
But oh well the author seems to be an avid fan of noble idiots
Sooo based on the latest manhua chapter, it turns out the manhua author is more sensible, decided to skip the whole pregnancy fiasco and jump right to the wedding. This gives the feeling like the author is going to end the Manhua soon. Or... the manhua will completely deviate from the original novel and start a brand new arc. After the wedding, in the novel FL will leave ML although not for the reason I want. Now I’m wondering whether the Manhua author is going to switch ML and FL places and drag the plot of her leaving ML to take care another man for 1 year, despite her being pregnant and having to deliver the baby without ML by her side. Heh! ML deserves all the pain and heartaches TBH.
Saw raw chapters.. This is going to become an agonizingly painful ride very soon. The drama is never ending.
link to raws?
Yep yep … at least we know where his heart is at… but still, it hurts to see them.
Can’t stand that fiancé girl
Oh word? Bet, I’m dropping this then.
Thanks for saving me the long ride.
Raws please?
Not the most updated but you can check out cocomanhua
Link to raws please?
well all of them seem toxic including the leads. FL is especially bad. For ML at least the other woman is his fiancée, so I still give him a slight pass even though that woman is nothing but a witch. But FL is another piece of work. Do you know she was willing to sleep with a married man? She did stop him, but what she did just cheapen her character so much. If it’s single man, that’s fine. But a married man?!! And the dumb FL was actually saying sorry to him since she stopped him. You’re about to run someone’s marriage and you have the gal to say sorry? Yep all trash. Sorry for the long rant.
Wait what? Which married man? I’ve read it up to the most recent chapter but I didn’t see her going after anyone but the ML?
The only trash in this manga really is the fiancé base on what I have read.
FL didn’t go after the married guy. I think it’s her coworkers or biz partner. But he’s a creep. She got drunk and he brought her to a hotel. She was half conscious when he began to fondle her. Then she was awake. BUT instead of stopping she said to him to be gentle, she hasn’t had a boyfriend for a long time. So he did. She thought this was fine so that she could forget ML. So he continued but ML face suddenly appeared in her mind and she stopped the creep. He wasn’t happy and then his phone rang. It was his wife. He was worried he would get caught. Then... FL being ditzy was apologizing. The gal of this FL using someone’s hubby to find comfort and just because ML face popped up she stopped NOT because of guilt toward ruining someone else’s marriage/life/family
After that chapter I lost respect for FL. So after that episode of being in bed with another man, a married one. She called ML and said goodbye. She confessed she couldn’t fall for anyone but ML
I’m sorry how was she suppose to know that he was married? She hasn’t been able to be with anyone and when she finally thought she could be with ML again his family drama is stopping them to be together… sure you can call her weak for not stopping the guy who was making a move on her without her permission but she is also mentally really weak at the moment so much so that she wants to forget the ML and would have allowed for the guy who was making a move on her to continue just so she can have the ML out of her mind.
I don’t think she is what you are claiming or painting her to be.
No diss respect but I think there is something wrong with your judgement instead of hating on the guy who is completely aware that he is married but makes a move on a drunk girl without her permission you hate on the victim.
And for reasoning that she was weak and apologies to the guy and was allowing him to continue instead of being a strong person and kicking his ass…. I don’t know what to say.
Did ML have any relationship with his fiancee? Like kissing or sex?
Oh you might not get the allusion as I didn’t bother going on a long rant on a scum like him. He’s a low life for being married and consciously seducing/nearly raping a drunken woman. But FL yes that’s the part where I lost my respect for her. A man nearly raped you while you were unconscious, despite your consent for letting him continue in your clouded mind, saying sorry to him after stopping him really just made you really pathetic without moral conscience.
Yes. FL called him that it’s over so I believe he just resorted to his fate. He didn’t make the first move though. It’s his nasty fiancée, who’s a cheating slut, who commanded him to seduce her. But yeah he did comply to the witch’s demand
You lost respect for her because she apologized to the man who nearly raped her? Am I getting that right?
No he just accept her attempted to seduce him but he doesn’t ever respond back.
Congratulations, that's the most stupid thing I've read today.
I really didn’t want to respond to your comment since it’s wrong on so many bases but I still felt like I need to let you know that your the one in the wrong.
First of all in your comments in general I think it be much better that you stop making nasty labels on any one even if the person your talking about is a manga character or is truly that nasty.
But in terms of your view on the FL, first of all I know it’s waste of time for me trying to change your view since it’s most likely not going to but the fact that you even used ‘moral’ in your justification made me need to inform you that FL is the victim so blaming a victim is the worse immoral thing you can ever do.
not every women is strong and can stand up for themselves but that is again not something one should hold against them.
And the FL wasn’t in the best place mentally, she doesn’t have much of a confidence in herself in the romance aspect so if she has lowered here self value as result of it by seeking the company of someone who is at least showing interest in her that again is not something she needs to be judged on.
I second that… I can’t even began to understand some people’s mentality truly.
And also her reaction could have simply being because of shock of that she had just woken up to, not even mentioning that she was drunk which would have clouded her judgment.
So really, your just wrong. I just hope that your not female cause otherwise I just feel sad at how as women you can’t even understand or protect another.
Let’s just say we agree to disagree. To judge one’s opinion as wrong you’re the one that’s off track. You could be right or wrong, does it matter? It’s a matter of an opinion. I didn’t call you out. I’ve always talked about the characters. It’s you that took it as a personal attack when it’s my own opinion on fictional characters.
He kissed her and they did some other stuff in bed but ML stopped I think that’s based on the chapter I saw. She did ask him to start though. But then he did the first move
I’m sorry what?!?
I didn’t take anything you said personally at all lool
I don’t know where in my comment any of it seem personal but I guess that’s up to your interpretation.
My point was that if your so quick to throw labels and call out names for manga characters that personify people you most likely will do the same with humans. some people on this platform come from all walks of life so since someone could related to the fiancé calling nasty name is just out right wrong. Especially since you don’t know her story yet but are only judging base on her current actions. But overall calling/labelling anyone not matter how bad they might be is wrong.
What you said about not being able to defining what can be considered right or wrong is the most logical thing you have said so far but my opinion didn’t come from personal opinion but rather a social view while yours doesn’t seem to have logic and I said before I knew trying to change others opinion is waste of time since everyone think they are so right.
But I felt instead of commenting saying what your saying ‘is the most stupidest thing I have the whole day’ I thought maybe informing you where and how you can be wrong to be more beneficial for you, if you ever come across this situation in real life.
Women in real life are always a likely target for sexual harassment cases, I hope no one around you ever experience this but if for whatever reason they unfortunately do I just hope they don’t come face to face with you who would call her weak and blame her for what she had gone through.
If you hate the fiancée, you might want to skip 2 chapters. 19-20. Too disgusting
If you hate the fiancée, you might want to skip 2 chapters. 19-20. Too disgusting