Leewon knows that he is caeser's first and only love and caeser only shows his love in a mafia way (which is completely true, he never learned to love or share), But leewon also knows and acknowledges that caesar's ways are completely wrong and thats not how one should act towards the one they love but leewon too is hopelessly in love and understands that caeser has a lot to learn and thats why he is willing to endure and teach him. You also have to undersand that this is not a story abt normal people, but a mafia for whom love, consent or sympathy have never existed, so hoping for them to act like how normal people in love would is unrealistic. Same logic applies to zhenya and Ilay, they didnt grow up in an environment where love and empathy had a place so they only know how to treat others like possession. Leewon understands that and he has the capability to change caeser.
Leewon knows that he is caeser's first and only love and caeser only shows ...