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Alinaa July 28, 2024 3:20 pm

Should I read this??

    I don't read yaoi August 4, 2024 2:58 am

    I've been reading this for 4 days straight and finally finished it. There has little to no romance between FMC and her husband and was mostly tragic from both sides when it really came to the end. This had a lot of political ties and storytelling about the land and culture. All main characters get to tell their POV of the storyline and a lot of the plot went basically completely the other way of what I had initially thought it would go but it wasn't bad at all. We also get most of our questions answered about how the FMC was able to return back in time but at this current point (ch.121) we don't know who her son's future lover will be though it's hinted here and there (barely) but I really need it confirmed. So far, it's a happy ending for the FMC and ML but it took a really long time to get there so it's completely up to you if it's worth your time or not. Hope this helps!

    Alinaa August 4, 2024 8:34 am
    I've been reading this for 4 days straight and finally finished it. There has little to no romance between FMC and her husband and was mostly tragic from both sides when it really came to the end. This had a lo... I don't read yaoi

    Wow, ok now I'm curious
    I'll read it, thank you so muchhh

Alinaa March 10, 2024 10:30 pm

I love themm

Alinaa's questions ( All 1 )

222.2222.22 October 12, 2023 12:01 am

Hiii, i recently read a story which starts with the FL being engaged with someone but if they're not both at the wedding, they die. So the man cheats on her with her best friend on the day of the wedding so she does, but she came back in time and someone else marries her. I LOVED THAT STORY BUT I FORGOT THE NAME, PLEASE IF SOMEONE KNOWS THIS, PLEASE TELL ME, CAUSE IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR DAYS

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