Don't you dare put your filthy hands on Ethan old man! Hurry up Tristan! Save Ethan n get rid of your Uncle!
Why did Kana dressed fully for his first time while Naho was not!? You should embrace together skin to skin!
I just started reading this last night after seeing shorts of it on YT with the baby. So now we'll just wait for that chapter I saw on YT to come out!
Confusing! But thank you for the translation! I wouldn't have done a better job on!
This chapter felt so short, I thought it would be long cos it said 124 pages. So disappointed!
All those emotions I went through reading this and they both lived happily ever after??? Okay!
I was upset about the rabbits and now a dog!?? Being a animal lover, that was upsetting to read but I understand more about how twisted that guy is. I'm going to hug my cat since I don't own a dog!