Yahwi♡♡'s feed

Yahwi♡♡ created a topic of Spilled Blood

I get that y'all are more than flabbergasted than words could describe after reading this manhwa but can't y'all just think of the fact that y'all read this on your own accord and yet y'all had the right to complain abt the storyline??? And I'm not justifying or saying I'm okay with the huge age difference but come on you guys made the choice to read this and now y'all complain about it, what kind of shit is that? If y'all know this is gonna turn bad and not your cup of tea then why didn't you drop it but instead read it until the last chapter? Wasn't that your choice? And please explain to me how is this manhwa incest when those two aren't even related by blood or shit. I'm just saying here that don't be wasting ur time hating this manhwa when u literally made that decision to read it like?(⊙…⊙ )