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Zoros_right_ball_sniffer created a topic of Wet Sand

The plot reminds me of interpretations of RHCP band's for the song with same title. {"These lyrics stir the core of those who understand that relationships—alliances of any kind—are both a risk and a remedy."
"Through this, Kiedis may be hinting at the vital influence of familial connections and its overlaps with our identity journey, as well as the universal search for belonging and understanding."
Flea, the band's bassist, gave his interpretation of the tune in the album commentary, saying: "The feeling I get from it is that it's a love song but it's a special love song because it's not just about loving somebody and how great love is. It's about the darkness of love, too, and the lightness and it's all together and you love it all. And that's the biggest love that there is because you're really loving the things that you don't like, too."}

Also, it reminds me of quick sand since my dumbass thought they're antonyms.

Both combined, my personal understanding is that Wet Sand is about internal conflict, perseverance and at times futile efforts to only sink deeper e.g., joining gangs out of desperation, promoting dependency to keep person around, developing affection because of 'wrong' reasons, leaving gang but still not being able to cut ties, actions out of jealousy, emotional (and physical) manipulation etc etc. All the characters seem aware of things they are doing to other characters (plot point I really love). In one of recent chapter TJ almost confessing to having caused Ian's accident to sabotage him from going only to have Ian stop him from confessing becasue he also knew somewhere in his mind once fish is out of water there is no going back. This seems to be a pattern in their relationship since forever. TJ refusing to let Ian go. Ian still coming back to gang/TJ. Jo knows some darkness is evoked in him and objectively he shouldn't involve with Ian but he is doing it anyway. He tells himself it's fine but then also driven by possessiveness and jealousy. All characters evokes how complicated simplest emotions can be and even working against the 'bad' emotions is not necessarily effective.

At this point all of the characters are trying to navigate these dangerous developments. I think author can build into whatever direction we ought to feel bad whenever it ends and however it ends