He needs to learn self worth and more aware in future. He needs juwon to protect him for being too naive.. such an innocent child fucked up by many people and incidents.
Also doesn't give anyone any right to kidnap someone just because u r desperate for money.. otherwise i can always justify stealing money cause I'm hungry (︶︿︶)=凸

Habibi dear didn't u realise your rabbits have been taking care of u all these times???? She is naive and stupid... if Haru wanted to harm u, he would've done so a long time a go duh

No, she did not because she thought that the rabbits were just rabbits period. But right now I don’t think she’s correctly right now because she’s shocked. I think she’s not thinking of him, harming her. She said “they can fend for themselves” that means she’s like letting them go. I don’t know but like that’s what I think.

It's psycho x psycho world guys. So let's understand this a bit..
this is set up in a new world where people evolve into domesticated beings.. phillip is a gangster keeping Haein as a pet dog who is struggling with drug addiction.. not sure if it is out of pity or adoration... definitely more of a sexual release outlet to me..
Haein obviously needs therapy even if he is a domesticated human dog.. seme is just damn psycho himself. I don't know how long their relationship will last but my best guess Haein will die from addiction and poor health eventually...

Advice for y'all readers. For those younger readers out there.. don't ever fantasize that real life axxholes like JK will change for the better later.
We can enjoy this fiction but certainly RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT if you meet someone like JK or as manipulative as the new guy.
PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE. Certainly not overnight and most never will regardless of being brought up by a shitty childhood or similar excuses.

I really like this because of how you acknowledge being able to enjoy this fictionally, but to run like actual Hell is nipping at your heels if you encounter someone like this in real life. It's an important distinction to have, but if kids ever stumble across this (or, hell, even come looking for it), this is a comment they need to read, especially since some definitely have a bit of trouble making said distinction. And absolutely, people very rarely ever change such ways in life. It happens, but it's a miracle when it does.
It's why these horrific red flags need to be taught by the parents or school. It is not the job of Mangakas' or this site's to make sure that everyone can make that distinction between reality and fantasy. Though, I do think a creators note or warning of some kind in the manga itself would be a very good thing to have (unless there already is one and I forgot about it-)
Idk why but this whole denial playing with fire is dumb..esp for grown adults.. I don't get where this is going, character development seems to be regressing by each chapter