It’s just more or what, Yael and the other kids thinking they’re superior but they’re just some lab rats that got some powers. I am not discrediting their abilities well those aren’t their skills anyways but their mentality to stay alive.
Like be for real bro you guys acted like you guys are on the top since you guys got the power of “GOD” but you can always try to copy but you CANNOT duplicate GOD’s power.

It’s not also about what they’ve experienced but how strong willed they are. There are some people who experienced harsh things and their actions remained good. They’re villain for a reason I guess s, yet I think that they’re acting mighty too much — maybe at the end they’ll fall so bad that it’s actually excruciating to watch. The more you soar high the harder the fall.

Okay actually I am more interested seeing Yoo Bin and Byul doing a show off. Like you two are probably both Dominants came from high established families, like show us how divas fights. LIKE I NEED TO SEE IT AT LEAST, since dominants tends to be more acting high just as we seen like Chowon and Dojin. BOTH OF THEM SHOULD HAVE DIVA SHOW OFFS!!!

Jinwoo. Damn HE IS A MAN NOW. A MAN!
Our baby boy turned to A MAN. Kayden must’ve been so proud that his disciple or shall we say his “son” cause they be like father and son duo — his aunties would be Kartien and the little doggy (I forgot his name don’t criticize me).
He is like Kayden now but like more “pretty boy” than handsome boy but damn he still exudes a manly aura whenever they draw him in A DAMN SUITE. I never imagined that they would give JINWOO A DAMN SUITE… ITS NOT A NEED ANYMORE BUT A WANT!!

God I know it may sounds hypocritical I don’t like the Duke had a FL. LIKE DID I STUTTER NO?! Like the author should’ve let us have the Duke like we READERS as his wives. Okay I’ll admit it I GOON for him , although not really but myeah.
Anyways I read that the OG female lead is actually great mother to our baby lion, I hope they had a kid though anyways — the tea is chile!!

I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but I accidentally upload it. I meant to download just for the soul fact that I don’t view him like that. He’s great eye candy as a dad and everything and it’s kind of cute, but like I love the fact that his story doesn’t really change. He has his own story that we see while she’s getting older and she’s just an extra in his, but she’ll have her own at one point or another, which is really cool.

Lol that was a big sarcasm comment and many people downvoted well that doesn’t fazed me, y’all never know sarcasm and my word of choices are all “twitter jokes”.
I don’t really care about the dad or the fl. All I care was for the MC’s story anyways.
It also doesn’t sound rude, you’re just saying real facts!
I damn heard this one is BL so I think I’ll give it a marinate before I actually read it. I don’t care y’all attack me but you guys are too homophobics for not liking a action with BL’s — romance isn’t even that obvious y’all are pissed especially those “boys” who read manhwa all day and their hobbies is either homophobia or oppressing women’s. Go fuck yourself that’s why you guys don’t have girls to touch at and y’all cope with that damn manhwa.
This Isn't BL
This being a BL is a rumour. It was brought up as a topic for a few panels in one chapter and that's it.
Otherwise I wouldn't mind some BL action wellヾ(☆▽☆) but definitely not happening in this webtoon :(
LMFAO I've seen those tiktoks too
The novel was actually fruity, I’ve heard it or something in reddit