Am I the only one who noticed that the art is getting worst they keep on making mc smaller and smaller like he is a male who is growing up, he is suppose to be getting taller and bulky. Also, why did they cut the story and didn't explore of mc brother. What's wrong with him and why did he poisoned the mc, So much is missing...
There whole webnovel universe of kiss me / if you can, there is also novel of chase parents both being dominant alpha and omega which starts when they are in university "lick me if you can", and now a new one is coming with Chase's brother "desire me, if you can", (y'll remember that red haired omega in kiss me lier who saved mc, yeah that one), there will be other two novel named "run away up, if you can" and "deflower me, if you can", they all are 4 brothers is total and there is even novel of chase grandparents "Eat me up, if you can"...
Just today I got to know that Mathew is colorblind reading the last chapter where he said he can't see whole spectrum of color, so yeah
Guys I am cooked, I decide to leave it for a month because I was getting anxious about the arc but then I got to know hostel boss(I forgot his name) was no more by a reel my heart broke and I left this for some more time now I wanna read it from where I left it but can't remember a single detail also I am too lazy to re-read it, seems like i have to wait for exams to read this again from starting
Delululu top it's 2 am and I laughed my ass off to his ridiculous face this chapter was worth everything hahaha 'oooo well I will play once more with you' to *shocking*
The thing is his name Garam means 'hot' in my language so yeah it's not a surprise that his almighty bullhole is also super duper hot
Never knew he would be so forward, it's like I don't care if you have a partner or not I want you and I will make you mine..
Now that's something I would pay to see it I always wondered about the legendary 2 snake dicks and here they are...
The mc is bottom for his father in law and top for his husband, I can't imma re-read it and laugh once more...I guess there will be side stories cuz there tbc at the end ...
Finally we can have our peaceful couple back ....I wish both of them spend time and heal instead of being dog in heat ...
Y'll know the drill when a side character gets injured and talk about his past while praying for future and his loved one
Uke is surrounded by weirdo's all horny and obsessed with him there were 3 guys: old man, Yona and hulk. Hulk can go and hang himself about Yona he isn't okay in his head either probably a sadist. As you can see first time he had sex with uke how he felt, he wanted do many things but didn't, he controlled himself, but here comes the twist about how long can he hold. About old man he makes me remember old man from under the green light who made Jin relay on drugs and raped him ...he wanted to make uke submissive and beg on knees in front him, offer his ass whenever he wants like a doll. I don't think old man loves uke, he only sees him as his possession like a prize (uke asked him once 'does he loves him' but old man laughed and make fun of him). Although Yona is not better either no one knows if someday he officially lost his mind then what. But atleast he cares for uke and gives him love he needed so much, I really want to see side story of them than only I can rest in peace ...
(Side note the only good thing about old man are his looks)