I dropped this at the first chapter Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

well i did the same but it was a long time ago, i tried to give it one more chance last december and i did not regret it. my first impression was "meh" bc i don't like playboy ml but the second time i read it i tried to push more chapters and my opinion changed. i don't read a lot of straight romance manhwa bc i obviously here to read bl but i find this one interesting and i wait for the update weekly. i hope u give this one more chance, this one is great(▰˘◡˘▰)

Can someone rec me a manga/manhwa similar to this?

If you’re looking for awesome friendship in prison setting, « Rainbow Nisha », thought hard, is absolutely incredible and touching. (Generally a must read if you’re not too sensitive/easily triggered, it has a kind of realistic aspect.)
I also recommend you to check out « Eden no Ori », if you’re looking for an adventure with horror settings and friendship. It’s… an amazing journey I would say, with a really cool bestiary of « monsters » and marking characters.
Else, « shokuryou Jinrui » and its sequel by the same creators as AnT has really similar vibes, with the same kind of humor and interesting characters and monsters. To my taste AnT is still their best work, but SJ stays a satisfying read.

There are so many aspects to this manhwa that I find ridiculous that I can't imagine anyone ever accept it after the emperor kills people for no reasonable reason. Also, everything the emperor says is so cliche and corny. In the first chapter, there are also lack of details,, who is detniel or rael?? In the first chap?? It's so confusing loll THIS MANHWA IS SO UNREALISTIC BTW

Fvck artist literally need to study anatomy first before allat literally thought art style would carry this sh1t azz manhwa but then again I'm also an artist I see many mistakes. Anatomy makes me want to gouge out my eyes. There is nothing wrong with how they draw their faces but mf the body is just so funny. At least learn basic anatomy. And I am also an author and this is where you will never find a good manhwa again after allat. DON'T EVER THINK OF BECOMING AN ARTIST AND ALSO BECOMING AUTHOR YOU WILL NEVER FIND A GOOD STORY HAHAHAHAHA

Bruh is nobody reading your work?! Are your brain Stromming useless, guess what! You need to work harder and think step by step.
I also draw and do shit. And Yup it's hard to be an artist lmao .
Maybe you just suck man. Try harder lol.
Even though this author's anatomy suck I had no problem reading this marvelous webtoon. I'm sure Heartstopper anatomy actually the whole art is a bigger sucker but people read it and it's popular af.

mf r u projecting I never said "this is why this is not popular the art sucks" it's not right? because I don't care if this popular or not, which means I don't care if my work is popular or not. And I'm shocked you suddenly brought it up, as well as about art. Like, mf, I know being an artist is hard, but mf, this is my opinion. Lmaoo, do you know that word?? Hahahah, ye ye, right, I get you. Being an artist is hard, but what does this have to do with me?

haahahaa because i cant take yall seriously hahha its funny how you think i got nothin to say baside talking ahhaha motherfvker this is exacly why i love being a hater U still cant scope the concepf why hater does this? Ofc u dont. Ure fcking dvmb anyway loll go on and lil bro thought will sign off just becauss he said so HAHAHHAHAHA use ur brain for once. Embarassing honestly also disapointing cuz ur reaction wasnt satiesfying enough (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

its funny how i am living my best life and ure there getting mad over comments and opinions cuz someone djsljke ur trashy manhwa HAHAHAHAHHAA boy i suggesf get a life and yeye im corny and allat lmaoo what doe thaf has smth to do with me if u think im corny? Dont rememeber asking ur opinion about me btw ahhahahai dont have energy to correct all mi spelling cuz clearly ure just a silly child HHAAHHAHAHAG keep commenting im close

And I'm not sure if you attended school or not—spelling does not equate to intelligence. Since being intelligent does not entail being a proficient speller, so your logic is that if someone has excellent spelling, they're already intelligent? Oh my god, I can't take you seriously. Also trying to be lawliet not Yagami. Yagami focuses on changing the world, while Lawliet loves solving cases so clearly im literally L

I bet you're so brairotted that you don't know what comeback you will use, so your last card is proving that you're just a fat old person since you think people in here are underage, and isn't that strange? You suddenly bring up that I am fat? And allat? In all the insults you can think of, and you think that I am fat?? hahahahhaha, how about revealing yourself first, then I next? I don't mind revealing. Also, you are clearly projecting. Drop ur discord lemme see ur face old man

That is obviously a compliment; stop feeding my ego too much. You have nothing to say, so you use the term "cringe." It's clearly a preference, which is that someone thinks I am cringe while also someone thinks I am not? And you think I am cringe because you think YOURE cringe. What you see in others exists in you. and clearly, I don't think I am cringe and allat. I simply believe I am superior to you. And is this all you've got? You are wasting my load and time, Bozo. And I get it. You think I cringe? Then? I don't remember asking for your opinion. The term "cringe" or "corny" is an opinion. Do you go to school? Also im reading a manhwa right now calm your horses when commenting alright? lmaoo you will not lose dw

Bruh, are you stupid? Of course, I don't understand him. What do you want me to do? He literally speaks a language I don't understand. Even though English isn't my native language, you can still understand it, because people who know English can comprehend my English. Because we speak similar language and they know it. The distinctions between him and me, is I can't comprehend anything he said, yet people can understand me despite some grammatical errors. And you call me a dumbass? Look who is talking. You're so dumb I canttt

It's amusing how you're so obsessed with me
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) you read every argument I had with everyone and u didn't even tryna hide it lmaoo alright drop ur discord imma send you the picture of myself and you will send yours? Deal? Too much yapp of full of nothing what's ur tryna prove though? How am I hypocritical? And idiotic? Elaborate without making it obvious that you're protecting plss (⌒▽⌒)

if you're too idiotic to reread the obvious replies I've sent you already then that says enough, no i'm not obsessed be keep deluding yourself ^_^.. Yeah I already sent my @ go back and reread it.
I'm not proving anything don't ask me to do shit if you ain't gonna follow up with it lol you suggested it and u pussied out last minute

And you call me the kid? You being hella childish calling me a creep for saying the word "pussy"? Do you not know what it means as an insult? I told you to add me on discord. I'll resend it cause your definitely dodging.. xurko.
Why bring up face reveals if you gonna get weirded out by it if you say you gonna do smth go through with it. Pussy.
This sucks
Shut up
What if I do ( ̄∇ ̄") lil bro thought people will listen to her if she said this sh1t lmaoo