There is always two side of the comment section either it's an appreciation comment or hate comment. One side loves the baby being with mc and his titan lover, the other one doesn't want to see the baby again.
Yeah right you really won Edward's heart i guess...
Judas has this ideal that “i could do anything or become anything as long as i see(study) and follow it”and (maybe) “to be perfect(?)”. And I think for Judas, he sees Pietro as perfect or something. That's why he wanted to be like Pietro, No, to be exact MAYBE he wants TO BE Pietro. That's why his following him around and observing him, especially Pietro's way of thinking. Because for Judas, understanding Pietro is a way to achieve to be like him. And to Judas conclusion, “Pietro WILL and CAN do everything”especially for the sake of mission and If deem necessary. Judas is correct on this thought and that's why his Following it. And that is also why if he's (judas) in a mission, then he encounters a problem, his first thought would be “what would Pietro do?”, and he founds his answer, he would do it, just like killing his co-workers in the mission in the recent chapter(80). Judas thoughts on Pietro is correct but he doesn't “understand” Pietro. And that's why (for me) he ends up having HIS OWN VERSION of Pietro.
But Pietro would soon change later (from Judas view) because of Hannah(Pietro's adoptive daughter, the baby). And i think Judas will get mad that The Pietro that He knew has changed, and it's tainting his ideals on his Version of Pietro, so wants the old one back. So i think Judas is gonna “eliminate”the cause. So he gonna kill the child.
What if judas became who he is now because (maybe) Peitro CHANGED after his daughter died?
I love u author!!!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Finally they confess and kiss!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
I've been reading this like for 3-4 years i think? And now it has ended. Reading this was like roller coaster of emotions, even though characters were shit (except kei) but yeah, it was a nice ending (especially they didn't partner yuuchi with that black hair saint-ass character bitch); well i just hope there is a side story where i can see yuuchi mai boi walking again.
Wait till u see callisto being with penelope until she wakes up, that was so romantic ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Team callisto talaga akoヾ(☆▽☆)
First of all, WTF!?!? damn these whole protecting ma friends even though I'm the devil is crazy and annoying as fuck, like Yuuichi i understand u very much and i love u but after u wake up u should just cut off these dumb ass mf that u call "friends". Sawaragi is a saint ass bitch face, always acting like the good and smart but get easily swayed, then there's these bitch Yutori, i have nothing to say just FUCK OFF!!! and for Shiba boi u too Fuck off!! Tenji u ma boi, U okayyy. And to ma boi Shinomiya Kei, i love u very much u should be the friend of Yuuchi, this boi right here just met him a little while and he understood Yuuchi for only a little time that he was with him, not like those so called "friends" that has half trust or to be exact NO TRUST
I'm sorry but why does his butt looked so flat, or to be exact why did it looked like a kids ass...
I mean I really hate antagonists... Well everyone does, but at the same time I luv them because they are smart, but this one, this fl's sister, naah she so dumb asf...why she be admitting that she made the cake and then give it to the fl, like damn you stupido, you be making yourself as clown. And btw really hate the father, like why you doin' that to you daughter? (The fl), like isn't your fault in the first place that you be marrying the fl's mother for political reason coz you need power!? Coz you helpless that the influence of your daughter is what keeps your house to have big influence!? Like you can't even do nothing coz you siblings be comin' after you, and your daughter is protecting you from them!
Like Damn the fl need a better father!!