Now let's start.
The way Dan has to ask to simply sit down, like he hasn't been living with Jaekyung for the past few weeks, further proving that Dan isn't recognized as a human, he's a dog needing allowance to sit on the couch next to their owner.
The next page when Dan sits down, you can see the stiffness in his body.
If he moves the fucking dinosaur from Jurassic park aka Jakeyung will attack.
And also compare their body language to each other, Jakeyung is relaxed. While Dan is trying to make himself physically smaller while hunching himself to try to make himself less seen by Jaekyungs vision.
PG13 part2:
''i have never done anything likes this before''
what sit down??? sorry Dan but that was kind of a goofy ass question. lol but i still love you. Does Dan even fucking do anything in the house except being a fuck toy and slave to Jaekyung. He hasn't even sat down on the fucking couch. Jaekyung be like ''No Kim Dan's allowed on the couch.'' lol
Awerrrrerere my poor little red flag, aweee my porr little rapist cant go to sleep without his movies, so sad poor jaepist. only if he went to like something idk called i think its called uh the-the-therap-pist? Actually jaekyung doesnt need a therapist he already IS The Rapist, get it hahaha so fyunnt laugh pls.
''Have ypu been to the doctor for it''
What watching movies at night like 7 billion people don't do that everyday, another goofy point for that sorry Danny, but again till love you hihi.
''But having sex everyday is too much work''
Nahhh aint no way THE Joo Jakeyung said that, the literal ultimate rapist.
''relaxing means losing''
is that why you know much about it, because your a loser? Eyyy shots fired les gooo
''you still whine and cry every time we fuck''
So you agree when you ''fuck'' aka rape him he whines and cries, because of the pain you're causing too his literal body and intestines. dude, I have not seen Kim Dan use the bathroom a single time. you've fucked his ass so many times he doesn't produce shit anymore as a protective response to make it easier on his body. bitch doesn't even pee cause if he were to take out his penis to just pee for 2 second jaepist would come in and literally jerk off to him.
The way Dan literally gets so uncomfortable after what Jaekyung just said. He's blushing cause its fucking embarrassing. Would you like your rapist to bring up when they fucking raped you?
''this is your chance to speak cause I'm bored, go ahead''
So the only fucking time he ''listens'' to Dan is when he can zone out as he watches TV? bro is living in the 60s acting like he's got a wife complaining all the time to pick up the kids while he just sits on his ass and drinks beer in front of the TV watching reruns of those hallmark movies with the same fucking plot over and over again.
''c-could you maybe use condoms''
The fact that he even has to ask when a condom is the bare minimum when having sex, the way he says it so fearfully. Bitch literally has hiv++bros got super aids at this point. this is just sad. You shouldn't have to be so scared to ask your ''partner'' to use condoms, in a supposedly healthy and safe relationship, as some ''people'' like to call it.
(Jaekyungs horse cock is so big he wont feel a difference anyways, cause his dick will literally be spreading that silicone so thin it'll be like an ultra thin condom)
''Why you worried you'll get pregnant''
PG36 part2:
''What on earth''
LMAO EVEN DAN IS LIKE ''bros never heard of an std, lmao what a virgin L loser beta +ratio +you fell off + you got hit by ME''
''Watching my cum seep out of your hole is one of my fav sights in the world''
bro just use lube your brain is so small you prob wont even notice a difference.
''Back when we started, all you ever did was cry about how much it hurt but now-''
But now it doesn't even fucking matter cause you'll still do it with or without his consent.
''Is this a film or a porno? what timing...''
Bros acting like he didn't fucking pick the movie.
Dan when hes getting his nipples played buy jaepist.
Jaekyung :I'm gonna pretend like i didn't hear that
actually Jaekyung prob CANT hear what Dan is saying cause his fucking cauliflower ears.
Jaekyung sucking Dans nipple like he wants to drink milk from them, #mommyissues alert
Lets pause for a second, and all notice that this is prob the first/second time Dan has actually came, was without jaekyung fucking him.
Now that thats over with.
So we see a character named Heesung, He literally looks like dan with blond hair lmao. DANS LONG LOST BROTHER?!`!!+´?`if this dude is the same as jaekyung I'm gonna absolutely rip OFF EVERY SINGLE- ahhaha im gonna write a very strongly worded email to *burp* mingwa.
Anyways you don't need to defend rape we get it you have a rape kink just admit it lmaooo, people would prob respect you more in these comments if you admitted to it lol.
Sincerly :gossip girl cxxoxoxoxoxoox PK AHAHAHHA
2023-08-03 00:49 marked

"Rape is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. The act may be carried out by PHYSICAL FORCE, COERCION, ABUSE OF AUTHORITY, or AGAINST A PERSON INCAPABLE OF GIVING VALID CONSENT, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent." Which is the definition straight out of google.
"The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority". Please read the manhwa properly, and u will see Joo Jaekyung physically forcing and almost literally drowning mc when he doesn't want to do it. You can even see him coercing mc and him clearly abusing his authority and power.
It's literally happening, in the manhwa that u guys r reading. Yes it's a fucking 2D fiction character and u can keep on reading it whether he's an asshole or a rapist. But pls don't deny the facts. I'm actually suprised to see people- not just uneducated kid's but full grown ass adults defending this man. He's and asshole, a guy who's threatening and forcing himself on a vulnerable guy.
IT'S LITERALLY CANON HE'S AN ASSHOLE. everyone in the manhwa even calls him an asshole. And the rape just makes it worse. Y'know it's funny cuz this reminds me of the Ted Bundy case where people were defending him even though he was a serial killer just cuz he was HOT (In my opinion he didn't look hot though tbh) but this time its a GUY WHO DOESN'T EVEN EXIST IRL AND IS 2D! Smh.
I know those people defending him are gonna reply to this but I'm not replying back to them. Cuz I'm lazy and once I've got this out I'm not gonna waste more time fighting with delusional people who are defending rape and denying the facts. So good luck trynna get my attention by replying and defending him again, better yet to just not reply no? To anyone who's gonna say anything about there not being rape in this manhwa be warned u will be ignored, at least by me. I just wanted to comment about this and clear my mind or else my wall would be the one hearing me say all this instead lol.
Edit: So I wanna clarify something's since it seems I was wrong on one part, It's about people attacking others who say this is rape and white washing ml. It seems no, they're not attacking but the one being cyber bullied so they're just trynna defend themselves, and no they aren't white washing and definitely not defending Jaekyung. They say this is SA and abuse but not rape. There does seem to be ppl white washing Jaekyung but not these people on mangago.
Rape and SA are mostly under the same category and are considered the same meaning, but THERE ARE times when SA and rape are different. I MYSELF don't think what's happening in this manhwa is one of them but THEY think it is. Rape, SA and abuse are all complicated and heavy topics. Anyways these ppl aren't saying Jaekyung is a better person by saying there's no rape, They actually hate the ml and consider him an A-hole like I did lol. The SA that's different from rape and abuse that they say are happening, aren't thing's to be taken lightly either. They're all disgusting, horrible things that shouldn't be done to others or have something like that done to u. I just wanted to clarify this so other ppl won't misunderstand.
And the guys cyber bullying them pls stop. Even if what they think is different harrasing ppl isn't right either.
2023-08-02 23:59 marked
2023-08-02 21:28 marked

Mingwa has beautiful art and it sucks its being wasted on such a dog shit story. JK isn't even that attractive, he's just another cookie cutter love interest (with big ass brows and weird ass ears) and he looks like a handful of other characters from other media. There is no reason for those rape scenes to be depicted so sexually. In fact I offer up anyone who is willing to think about those scenes as an actual rape instead of the hot mess Mingwa is depicting.
I don't care if it's fiction. I don't care if I can just "stop reading it". THIS SHIT bleeds into real life and affects people. It normalizes this behavior. And that is why everyone is so up in arms about it. Because whether me like it or not, young impressionable people are reading it and will internalize it and they'll fall into destructive abusive relationships and think that it is OK, because they can "change them".
Sexual assult is sexual assault. As soon as there is a hint of defiance or deviation from the original "yes" and they keep going, its sexual assult. If they say no or wait and you don't stop or wait, it's sexual assault. Using your authority and coercing someone into having sex with you with or without payment is sexual assault. (I'm not going into the logistics of prostitution or anything don't bring that up.)PULLING SOMEONE INTO WATER, KNOWING DAMN WELL THEY CANNOT SWIM, SO THEY CAN NOT GET AWAY FROM YOU IS SEXUAL ASSULT. POINT BLANK.
Stop defending JK. Stop saying that it's fine because it's fiction or because he's hot or because Dan "agreed" to it. None of this is "hot" you fucking freaks. You cannot change someone who is prone to violent outbursts and abusive behavior. If this happened in real life, if this happened to a woman you would all be raving on Twitter about wanting him behind bars. If JK was less conventionally attractive, you'd all cry out for the death penalty.
Stop being weird for fucks sake. Stop fetishizing such disgusting and abhorrent relationships. And STOP VICTIM BLAMING A POOR MAN WHO LITERALLY HAD NO CHOICE. It was JK or the debt collectors. And i know damn well, youd call them rapists because they aren't the pretty, ripped man who is literally doing the same thing to Dan that they did.
I fucking hate gacha kids who found BL and are eating up jinx and I hate everyone else who isn't normal and defends this shitty story for any reason. //I'm rooting for you Dan, I hope you live a long life AWAY from eyebrows//
2023-08-02 16:26 marked
2023-07-31 03:03 marked
2023-07-30 05:25 marked
2023-07-30 05:06 marked

2023-07-30 04:27 marked

Jae Kyung is a fucking bastard. You all should hate him, okay I'll admit the art makes him look good but that's to blind you.
It's pretty privileged. If Jaekyung were unattractive/ugly, people would not ignore his actions.
The people (aka rape apologists) that say ''Oh but Jae Kyung saved Dan from the debt collectors'' Jaekyung literally did what they were about to do to Dan, aka rape him and abuse him. Jaekyung just doesn't want anyone else to rape Dan.
He doesn't even care if Dan gets hurt as long as he's able to fuck him.
He's just another hole for Jaekyung until the next cute bottom can cure his ''Jinx''.
Don't even say ''Oh I'm waiting for the redemption arc'' Cause how the fuck can you redeem rape?
''Why the hell are you acting so shocked like this is something new in Yaoi/bl manga''
We aren't shocked we know about rape in mangas, it's people sexualizing and justifying abuse.
IDC if it's fiction this is having real-life consequences online with people trying to justify rape and abuse, what if they met an actual victim what are they gonna say:
''Oh he's hot, he gave you money and a home you should be thankful to be together with that''
''I wish he picked me''
Jaekyung abuses Dan, physically, emotionally, verbally, and monetarily.
Jaekyung thinks Dan is his, Dan is not a human to Jaekyung, He's an object. Dan is literally going through Stockholm Syndrome as another user stated. I really hope at this point that Dan gets together with Yoon-Gu or something with Yoon-Gu realizing that Jaekyung isn't the hero/idol he thinks he is. And then like saves Dan or something idk.
The only reason Dan's body is reacting the way it is, it's his body saying
''The faster I cum/react to Jaekyung, the faster he'll stop''
Dan is not enjoying it he's used to it, he thinks that maybe if he likes Jaekyung and gets attached is the only way to make him go away or something. I could write more but everything that could be said by Jaekyung has already been said.
To end, don't be a fujoshi don't justify rapists, please.
2023-07-30 01:46 marked
2023-07-29 20:24 marked
2023-07-29 03:47 marked

Ill sum up the first 4 chapters bcuz i find those the most messed up times in this story (IMO)
This will be long.
We get an introduction to jae then dan; we learn abt dans past experience with gay attraction (harassment) and we get a clear thought on how he think of it. (Tbh iw ouldnt be suprised if he was homophobic cuz that shit eould lead to such prejudice)
Dan experience with it is just traumatizing; he didnt only get harassed by a figure he idolized (his boss) he also got fired and victim blamed for it. Dan is now left with the idea that his looks and him in general is for the blame to all of this.
Anyways after the introduction Dan gets a new job as the jae's gym p.t, dan gives jae a p.t session.
I want to point something out when dan accidentaly touched jae's penis i think jae had some disgusting thoughts abt a man he just met; the only reason he didnt hit him is bcuz he saw him as a potential sex toy.
ANYWAYS. Jae invites dan for a "physical therapy session" (which i want to add; why did he lie?? He could've said "i want to have sex with you" but he didnt. This makes me believe he said that on purpose only to drag dan into his trap to pressure him into having intercourse. IMO he knew what he was doing)
We then know jae is gay, but i want to mention the dude he had over. Did you see the way he treated him??? He completely discarded his feelings and his plessure bcuz he simply didnt like it, he then proceed to smash his face into a wall becuz the man made fun of him and wished him the worst (which is VERY understandable) he then pays the man money to shut him up (?)
This man has no empathy or understanding to the ppl around him, he is narcissism if it was a person. (I wnat to add too; he called the man a whore when he is a one too. He literally invited a man he met once to fuck. He is slut-shaming when is the biggest slut in the room)
dan gets ready to start his p.t session as he is intended to do, jae tells him the reason he is here for as he pressures him to have sex with him (he makes his offer tempting and irresistible when it really isnt) dan then without thinking agrees to doing so, he then makes an excuse to go take a bath since he stinks and that when we see what dan would have said if he had time to think.
Dan is VERY conflicted in the shower he ponders if he should leave and not do this (bcuz thats what he really wants to do) but jae goes in his shower; which i find very disgusting. How could he get so comfortable to walk into someoen while they are showing to ahve sec with you??? Have some shame. (This also shows how many times jae had sex ehich supports that he is a slut )
He forces dan onto the bed but dan then confesses that he wants to bail out. Jae THREATENS him, WTF??? He uses the other dude as a way to show what he will do to him if he leaves now he says something like: "dont think ill send you home safe and sound" which is like very. Un-consensual.
After a bit more threatening and nonconsensual sex, jae talks dirty to him saying something like: "how many men have you been with/put it in you" which makes dan disgusted (due to his past traumas and generally bcuz this is simply disgusting. Jae is again here slut-shaming him) dan says and this completely what he says:
"I dont wanna be anywhere near him anymore... i dont want to hear this kind of talk... i just want this to be over" which is tbh heart-wrenching. It broke my heart.
After all that. Dan goes home and jaes wins his fight. Jae comes to the conclusion that consensual sex isnt for him anymore; he liked the rape way too much he wants dan to be his physical therapist (sextoy) but dan isnt anywhere near, he stopped replying to anyone at all whoever it is.
Dan is in his home. Depressed. Defeated. Violated. He couldnt pull himself out of bed to go to his other jobs. And other than that his aggressor is calling him non-stop for wtvvs reason; he called somehting supposidly intemate "a living nightmare" which omg i couldnt help but take it personally. The way he took this is very conceived as SA survivor trying to cope; it hurts to watch. And even through all this he still stands up nad goes to take care of his grandma. What a strong man.
One last thought and ill leave quietly; if the author truly intended for this to be seen as a rape survivor; i truly would congratulate her. She captured the way a SA survivor might feel after the deed but it sucks since she is probably romanticizing it.
Ill end it here; if you have any disagreement with the way i summed it up, please tell me! We will talk and discuss things like adults.
Thank you for your time.
2023-07-28 22:56 marked

An 8.9 rating for a story romanticizing things like sexual 4ssault, treating your partner like crap and being violent to them is just simply astonishing. I can't believe this is the kind of story that's popular nowdays.
I wanna blame the author for even thinking of such plot but the people reading it and promoting it like it's a work of art are also to blame, a webtoon doesn't continue without a public.
PS : the nutjob with the multiple accounts, go seek therapy seriously. I'm sure you'll recognize yourself without me naming you. My comment isn't a safe spac for your bs.
2023-07-28 06:15 marked

2023-07-21 04:52 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2023-07-21 04:26 marked

2023-07-15 17:16 marked

2023-07-14 20:44 marked
That's fucking rape