Yea 5 stars, easy.
My new addition of ways to hurt my heart and heal it simultaneously, re-read twice in 7 days and I did cry Im a fging liar frfr, I could summarize all the main plots points and progressions; I am about to write an English class essay and create a power point, sleep deprived at 1:17AM, brothers help me, I might read this again just to feel something after this overwhelming emptiness and joy the story left me with. The pacing was to my taste, I'm glad the teen hair guy I was irritated with became a key core to the main cast and friend group hehe.
Nah that traumatic shit came out of no where, even with warnings I was head locked and pissing my pants, honest to God I was way too invested in this story I'm still sad and processing the emotional beats. You should too for only $7.99 get fucking decked and hurt with these fictional characters rn bro im high asf and sad sowwy for n e mistakes.
Please, I am substantially more dead than alive without more consumption of this story and characters. We need more chaps soon and for y'all to stop talking about high schoolers having positions in bed, go read abt adults then or imagine that doodoo alone dawg
best story Ive read on this site swear on my family's graves, incredible, stunning. bro i died. in a good way, rebirth