I love how even though this is supposed to be an illegal site and all everyone here is exactly on the same page with isr**l and the genocide going on...like Instagram comments could never 2 reply
i used to.Made a three part fanfiction once, released two parts and went mia. Still receive messages requesting for the third part but i got more important things to do in life reply
making angst comic out of anything and everything.recently made one about charles babbage and ada lovelace cause i had an exam and had to memorize a lot of dates and stuff
(The exam got canceled btw) 1 reply
So i just recently moved to shitty America and got into american highschool. There is this other girl who also came from my country and got into the same hs. I got my schedule (lowkey annoyed the Counselor a lot because 1. I dont get the system 2. I want subjects that im familiar with) But yeah lowkey fought for my schedule lol. So im like meh but happy with how it turned out. But that wasnt the case with the girl and she hated her one. She saw my schedule and went and copied the whole Thing. That kinda pissed me off but thats not the issue here. The thing that made me more paranoid was her being there for ALL my classes. Since she's a family friend and all i spent a decent amount of time with her. I wont say she's a bully per se but you know the kind of people who like makes you do their work and treats you entitled to them or something and you do their work because you feel it would be rude if you dont and at the end of the day youre left feeling miserable about yourself? Anyone? I mean usually youre supposed to say no if you dont want to do anything you dont want to, but you see, im a bullyable person. I have been bullied before and she makes me feel like i'll be going through the same shit again. She doesnt treat me nicely either. Like, idk how to explain it. But my guts say danger when im with her. Theres also this big ass fact that i cant be queer infront of her cause we're all from conservative asian families and if my family knows they gonna kill me. What do i say to my councilor? Like do you think he'll listen after all the botherings i did to him already? Also what's the best way i can convince him to change geometry to honours geometry? :( Can anyone please help me with this? Please? I also dont have my family with me here and i dont know anything and im like so scared and angry at everything
Like i go by just fine like a normal person for at least four to five days and then bam. I get suck into this whirlpool of excruciating loneliness which comes out of no where and you know the usual sad stuff. But then after a good three days i get back to normal. And then the cycle keeps repeating. Is this normal? How do you people deal with loneliness? How do you guys cope? (also suggest angst bl manhwas. Thank you)