HI GUYS IM STILL REALLY CONFUSED ABOUT CHAPTER 4 LIKE WHO WAS THE ONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN FLOWERS AND SAW FLOWERS WITH TOWA. because even tho he said he’s Seiji, I think he is Aiji? But he’s pretending to be Seiji, or am I just reading too much into this
I think, the one who likes the flowers is Seiji. If you've noticed, Aiji was the one who asked Seiji (who was eating an apple at the time) about flowers being displayed in their room. The one who was tore off the flower petals in the last page (which is not the last page since i think some pages are missing) was Aiji, seeing how Towa can differentiate them now and how Towa is becoming close to Seiji. Hopefully, Aiji doesn't go possesive on either of them since I dig this 3p ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Seiji (alpha) is interested in flowers. while Aiji (omega) is not. He tries to keep this a secret because they try to think of themselves as the same person, with no differences (probably to feel less guilty about the incest. how can it be 'incest' if you're actually the same person?). Towa is the first person who can tell them apart, and this threatens to upset the balance they have going. Towa is interested in knowing and understanding the twins as inddividuals (which no one has been able to before). Seiji seems to be warming up to this, and is more willing to be himself (as opposed to exactly identical to Aiji) around Towa. Aiji however seems wary of this development. Perhaps he feels threatened by the fact that for the first time there's someone who is treating his brother/mate as an individual separate being. Perhaps Aiji feels threatened. The look he gives Aiji at the end of the chapter (I'm pretty sure that's Aiji) foreshadows some bumps to come.
Nani the fuck