I'm pretty sure it's by ootsuki miu, but I can't seem to find it among their works here. it's a short slice-of-life where one of the mcs has this 'ability' to spot the guy from his group of friends he likes no matter where he is, and things get angsty when he falls under the impression that said guy is used to sleeping around. here's a panel from the story I had saved: https://66.media.tumblr.com/9520fd3087049f9ff387c95b0f3084cb/tumblr_pgy7qy6GHc1utd3smo1_540.jpg

tell me your least favorite manga/manhwa/manhua couple of whatever genre I'll start:
my biggest hobby is pretending the 2nd season of h&h roman company didn't happen because mananan x monday are a walking snoozefest

ooo boy let me give my unpopular opinions
-i didnt enjoy the first couple of "if you hate me that much", it was just. stupid
-the couple in "lovers boy" is just as annoying as "a guy/man like you", like the story is clearly being dragged out
-baker on the first floor was also meh i dont even remember it thats how meh it was
-i dont hate chanyoung in "heesu in class 2" (i think tht was his name)
thts all i got rn

Let's go;
- I don't like Mananan or him x Monday.
- I hate BJ alex.
- Blood bank has to be one of the worse things I've ever read I'm sorry but yeah fuck no.
- The main couple from all about lust aren't that great
- I hate the couple in Windows beyond Windows because it was really really bad for a good while there and I don't think they had enough character development to just, get together.
- Alice in adulthood is so boring because all it is is porn
- The baker on the first floor was shit
- Make me bark isn't hot ( neither is BJ Alex )

Golden days (, jin and mistyui )

-I never enjoyed, and probably never will enjoy reading If You Hate Me That Much. It's too overhyped and overrated.
-Ordinary Men is so basic, but I think that's the point.
-I'm only reading Love is an Illusion bc it's an omegaverse. The MC is a little bitch.
-Killing Stalking bores sometimes but I still want to know what happens.
-Following Namsoo is only good bc they keep fucking. Same with Make Me Bark and Window Beyond Window.
-Hidoku Shinaide had the worst first few chapters but it somehow got better with Maya's character development. Now the annoyance I had for it at first is resurfacing bc it's getting too dragged out and the plot is making my head hurt.
-I never got why Junjou Romantica was so hyped when I first started reading yaoi.
-I've neglected reading the latest updates for Sign Language and The Best Smell bc I don't even know what's happening with the plot anymore.
-I hate How Sweet is a Sugar Daddy, both the plot and the artwork suck ass.
-I love Starry Sky's plot but I hate Yeonduk's hair so much.
-A Paramour's plot just annoys me. And how naive the uke is is not cute at all. Seme is annoying.
That's all. Sorry for being a whiny bitch -.-)

here's my rant (only for webtoons because that's the obly thing i read now)
- the good webtoons doesn't have updated for a while (hush, base to base, story of our lives, etc)
- i got bored with bj alex, the same with all about lust and sign language
- i rooted for hyunwoo in hate mate
- i like heejae (from points of three)
- how can yall like warehouse ???? it's awful
- ???????
- i can't think of anything else, im going to sleep

Except warehouse is tolerable , at least in comparison to killing stalking

Holy shit same

All classics are over hyped
Junjo romantic a
Super stars
Iskachihi ...(whatever )
And window beyond window
Killing stalking
Make me bark
All about lust
Those are really bad and I have no idea why people like them -_-

"Junjou romantica" is the worst out of the bunch though for the whole "childish uke keeps saying no, but really they mean yes". I think writers have moved on and are staring to present more normal relationships, where one character doesn't act immature, coy and hot/cold all the time and the other is presented as the forceful dominant one.... for wanting to hold hands. Also, the anime was censored so much! Siwon from "A man like you" seems to be revamping this dated trope though.

Gin no Kutsu
Same sex parents, but rather than be just "dad' and "dad", one of them has to take the role of being the mother and always wears a chicken costume to disguise the fact they are a man. The "dad" is a coward for not just being out with the fact that his partner is a man, and they both are lying to their kid.

- did not like from points of three at all ?? i found it so boring
- tried reading if you hate me that much and i couldnt get past the first 5 chapters
- i dont like starry skys plot at all. It just didnt really seem interesting to me.
- I really don't understand how so many enjoy Love is an Illusion. I hate both MCs alot and I guess I'm a bit biased though. I don't enjoy omegaverses but there are some exceptions
- i dont get how ppl think a paramour is good but ppl are entitled to their own opinions so thats that.
- I dont like peach love. Thats just me though ahaha.
- Unfather gets me so annoyed. i stopped reading it.
- I don't like meeting him. The storyline wasnt interesting but was at first. Like, in the first couple chapters it seemed alright but i got bored easily. Also the art isn't very attractive; i'm a sucker for pretty art ahaha (of course, a good story is more important, though)

legit why do some of you go and shit all over people's harmless tastes and then try to sound all mature by claiming it to be "criticism" when it's really just saying "I dislike this and everyone who likes this sucks" instead of solid arguments that could lead to some actual, respectful discussion lmao. it's 2018 folks. let people like... have fun

Yeah....I agree....this generation is soooo early butt hurt...like if there’s a slight offense they’ll take it way TOO FAR... like having a black man play as the main character in a movie who is suppose to be white....like if that black guy is better than white folks then, I’d prolly give him that role~

I find it's because they are butthurt people aren't clamoring over whatever it is they like. So they get petty and shit on what others are enjoying but try to frame it as criticism. Maybe it's a way to cope over more people not sharing their tastes.

Honestly, it always makes me cringe when I see a comment like for example.
"This story sucks, and anyone that reads this should fuck off! *insert middle finger emoticon*"
Like just keep it clean, say your point, and avoid any aggressive personal attacks to others. Plus to me people that immediately go to "fuck you bro" give me the impression that they don't care about their main subject as much as they think, and that they care more about their ego.
what it says on the tin. if anyone has a submissive top list, even better!
Sugar trap