I'm gonna repeat what I've said before: ignorance is not an excuse. even if his parents aren't familiar with homosexuality, seeing their child suffer as a result of their actions should be enough of a wake-up call - it's basic human decency, like...
DJun really deserves so much praise for how he's portrayed the family's rejection of Yuyang. I just started to bawl out when he spoke up about the bullying :c
I couldn't agree more. Parents like this, with their passive-aggressive rejection of who their son is, tend to convince themselves that they're looking out for their child's future happiness. that's total BS, though. If they were concerned about their children's happiness, they would realize that THEY are the ones causing the most pain to their child. Dragging it out over the course of years of suffering makes it even worse. I would prefer my parents to just cut me off completely to this kind of ambiguous situation. At least then, I wouldn't be forced to constantly consider the reactions of people who never considered my feelings.
it really irks me when people use the argument that "they don't know better! it's not that they hate gays, it's just that they aren't used to this sort of thing!" like that excuses insisting on putting down someone who's already visibly miserable and who's stated multiple times that's who they are and nothing can change them.
listen. ignorance doesn't excuse being a shitty human being. you might not understand something, but you can still accept it - it's really not that hard. any decent human being with the slightest hint of sympathy would draw the line the second they realized their words are hurting their loved one, so there's... that. if failing to do so and relishing in doing otherwise to the point that you'd bring it up at dinner as if it were an entertaining matter isn't hate, then idk what that is.
acceptance over understanding, always.
tfw u can relate from personal experience and want to beat them all up so bad (-:
he's so strong and kind despite all the toxicity of his so-called family - most probably because of it, even, although I wish his becoming didn't stem from a place of pain. his family is just... disgusting; no amount of ignorance can excuse their behavior. my sweet boy deserves so so much better.
i SCFMREAMED at each panel bc huh???? right lihuan's gonna take him home w/o them having a proper conversation and keep the drama goin- oh ok yuyang's sorry GOOD but there comes class pres so of course lihuan will back aw-AND HE DIDNT HE EVEN CHECKED IF HUANWEN WAS LINXIANG THANK GOD HES ACTUALLY GONNA TUCK HIM IN IMSHFH
jesus it's such a breath of fucking fresh air to see characters actually taking steps to work through drama instead of dragging it on for forever. thanks djun for making me feel yuyang's sheer regret in the last panel we love a relatable king(:
hi this is killing me slowly and I love my small son to death but you know WHAT mr.yuyang you better be the best focken bf to lihuan in the future bc he's a precious soul and honestly how sweet and strong must he be to handle all that with such grace
also hello?? will this manhua ever stop blowing my expectations away?? you'd think the storyline being simple would make the events predictable but holy shit I literally have no idea of what each panel's gonna bring on and each time I'm pleasantly surprised
honestly if you spend more time writing long ass paragraphs defending yuyang's parents in the comments instead of expressing your sympathy for him you might wanna re-analyze your priorities tbh
Why can we just do both.I think it's ok if people analyze a complete chapter.In my comment i put my symphaties towards Yuyang and opinion about his parents.I think it's more of a people just giving a general thought about this chapter
that's completely fine; that's why I said 'spend more time'. and I'm not telling people not to do it at all - I'm just saying that putting so much effort into finding excuses for his parents' actions will make you (not you specifically, people in general) sound, in the least, like a complete hypocrite - which is why it's good to check your priorities, so your intention won't be misunderstood.
analyzing their character is a whole other thing from defending them and I've only seen like 2 people actually analyze them so far