hey man, what manga is your icon from?:)

it's from this final fantasy dj! https://myreadingmanga.info/gohan-desu-yo-inuyama-soujuku-shounen-final-fantasy-xv-dj-jp/

I'm pretty sure it's by ootsuki miu, but I can't seem to find it among their works here. it's a short slice-of-life where one of the mcs has this 'ability' to spot the guy from his group of friends he likes no matter where he is, and things get angsty when he falls under the impression that said guy is used to sleeping around. here's a panel from the story I had saved: https://66.media.tumblr.com/9520fd3087049f9ff387c95b0f3084cb/tumblr_pgy7qy6GHc1utd3smo1_540.jpg
hey man, what manga is your icon from?:)
it's from this final fantasy dj! https://myreadingmanga.info/gohan-desu-yo-inuyama-soujuku-shounen-final-fantasy-xv-dj-jp/
I'm trying to enjoy this but the author's treatment of sohae is deeply bothering me. not only making her the stereotypical bitchy female side character but also making her a lesbian who's obsessed with men...? hello? can anyone tell me if her character gets properly handled later on, because if
...not I'm dropping this. pressed enter too early lol
She just doesn't know how to make friends, she gets character development later on!