inlovewithsnow2002 July 22, 2023 3:53 am

These misunderstandings are driving me insane I'm so annoyed like we are just continuously seeing Ryu Jean abused and Noah being like "oh but what was he doing " paying for your stupid actions

That being said I admire Ryu Jean's ability to just roll with it but I also want better for him cause this is getting sad

inlovewithsnow2002 July 15, 2023 2:34 pm

Ugh I hate when they go from Korean names to basic English names it breaks my immersion

    cytrusova-soda July 25, 2023 8:58 am

    Absolutely, it's so goofy and I assure you a foreign reader can handle Korean names

inlovewithsnow2002 July 23, 2021 11:31 pm

The only reason I'm okay with him loosing the weight is because he gained most of the weight through binging which is not good

inlovewithsnow2002 July 23, 2021 3:01 am

Was trying to figure out why the translation was so bad then I saw that logo

inlovewithsnow2002 July 15, 2021 3:05 am


inlovewithsnow2002 July 14, 2021 10:42 pm

I actually like that the author portrayed abuse for what it is they didn't sugar coat it or turn it in to love or trauma or something no an abuser likes power that's all it is and I'm glad to see the manwha portray it as such

inlovewithsnow2002 July 14, 2021 3:42 am

Why is their first instinct always to have sex instead of talking shit out (I'm kidding I know it's so the authors can get the sex scene in but still) there's gotta be a more organic way to do this that doesn't make your characters look like unintelligent pricks

inlovewithsnow2002 July 13, 2021 4:19 pm

Jean I liked you but now I'm annoyed you don't get to just make decisions for her you don't own her fuck off especially considering the girl just got out of a situation where an abusive family was controlling her entire life

inlovewithsnow2002 July 13, 2021 3:00 am

I hate when webcomics or manga try to like handle oppression especially in a fantasy world because it's always just so hollow and done so poorly it gets frustrating honestly

inlovewithsnow2002 July 11, 2021 9:28 am

Do you think Jihyun knows that the reason for his hypersexuality is probably the abuse he endured or the fact that it's less that he's hypersexual and more that he just has a highish libido like dude first you need therapy and second I promise you are fine if your desire didn't match up with the person you were with that isn't on you or them that's just life you aren't broken or abnormal you're fine

    Avi July 11, 2021 10:02 am

    I agree, but he doesn't know it, because that pos that abused him, told him it was his fault and that he was sick

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