inlovewithsnow2002 January 22, 2025 12:37 pm

Doyun not ending up with anyone actually makes a lot of sense imo Wohae's problem was acting out due to feeling neglected a problem easily solved by both a getting a non neglectful partner and b getting better at communication and knowing when to leave something he ended learning already Doyun's problem however is very different and can't be solved by just having a better relationship his are solved by becoming a better person internally Doyun and Gyulwoo's journeys mirror one another Doyun similar to Gyulwoo is someone so obsessed with the status quo and fitting in to society that he's basically become a doormat similar to Gyulwoo but the big difference is well Gyulwoo was bad at it and refused to draw people in to his bullshit while Doyun was very good at fitting in to society and hiding his secrets and continued to rope people in to it that tendency is something he needs to rectify before getting in to another relationship not during the relationship not to mention Gyulwoo's primary issue was fear Doyun in contrast is just a fucking push over

inlovewithsnow2002 January 4, 2025 5:55 am

What the heck dude he didn't even use her money hell he wanted to return it and she gave it to him telling him to keep performing no part of that is a scam she walked up to him gave him her money with the promise that he'd keep performing and not only did he continue doing that he was even planning to give it back to her why are you mad

inlovewithsnow2002 November 26, 2024 5:00 am

NGL I do not like that they made her fat (and she's more midsize than fat but she is very clearly larger than all the "good" ones ) that and going out your way to make her look not unsettling but ugly ..... Hm

inlovewithsnow2002 November 23, 2024 6:22 am

This is the type of story where the comments frustrate me far far more than the actual story

    inlovewithsnow2002 November 23, 2024 6:28 am

    There's something deeply frustrating about a comment section that continuously blames a victim for making impulsive choices or gods forbid for the crime of trusting a stranger and assuming that most people aren't going to randomly try and assault them or stalk them instead of directing the ire towards the actual perpetrator

    Ems<3 November 28, 2024 1:52 pm
    There's something deeply frustrating about a comment section that continuously blames a victim for making impulsive choices or gods forbid for the crime of trusting a stranger and assuming that most people aren... inlovewithsnow2002


inlovewithsnow2002 November 22, 2024 3:27 pm

I'm actually kinda mad at Miyoshi for invading Urasaki's life like in my personal opinion he's just made everything worse

inlovewithsnow2002 November 1, 2024 5:58 pm

I'll be so pissed because I know they're going to blame her for what happened but they messed up first you can't just switch around tailor made costumes body's a different and if you have a piece designed to fit one body you can't just copy paste it to another second you didn't let her finish the alterations I'm so upset for both girls tbh

inlovewithsnow2002 October 27, 2024 7:21 pm

I've been trying to figure out why this particular story feels different and why I find it so much easier to stomach than literally every other story with an abusive main character and I think it's the fact that there's no excuses being made Woo-yeon is just a shit person period like there's no tragic backstory no "he secretly cares and just doesn't know how" there's no "he loves him but isn't allowed to show it" bs no Woo-yeon just sucks because he sucks he's a spoiled asshole born with a silver spoon in his mouth who thinks just because he's got money looks and a problem feeling emotions that means he's allowed to get away with anything he's just an asshole abuser full stop and the story isn't trying to make us sympathize or even root for him he sucks and In-seob knows he sucks and knows exactly how terrible he is he's not falling for the "he's a rapist but he cares" bs he's fully aware that regardless of his mixed emotions (which I think are super interesting) that Woo-yeon is terrible and though there's times when he's being genuine and actually nice In-seob is never letting his guard down because he knows full well what kind of person he is that plus the fact that there's no one who's worse than Woo-yeon who the author uses to try and trick us in to believing he's actually a decent human being is really refreshing it feels less like a toxic romance that the author just blatantly refuses to acknowledge is fucked up and more like the author is sitting us down and going "this man sucks this relationship is terrible you aren't here to see how cute they can be or for him to be redeemed and turn in to a less shit person you're here because this man sucks and you wanna see the tragedy he's going to pull this other man in to" it's genuine and tragic but it acknowledges that it's tragic something I'm super grateful for

    Cirrussss October 28, 2024 8:13 am

    and yes, reading the novel just making me love them both even more. Like ahhhhh I wanted to be their friends so I could tell them they could get through anything as long as they communicate and yes they could <3 It is actually such a simple plot, but so pure and refreshing <3

    Itzarit October 30, 2024 2:19 pm

    Well. It's also a realistic depiction of an abusive partner. You don't stay because they're terrible all the time. You stay for the rare sweet moments when you believe it's gonna get better. It never does but some abusive partners are very good at keeping you believing this lie.

    inlovewithsnow2002 November 2, 2024 10:43 pm
    Well. It's also a realistic depiction of an abusive partner. You don't stay because they're terrible all the time. You stay for the rare sweet moments when you believe it's gonna get better. It never does but s... Itzarit

    That's definitely also part of it like it feels realistic which is refreshing despite how horrific the situation is I also appreciate that the story maintains In-seob's innocence despite his actions being questionable at best like the story is never trying to make us think he deserves this treatment because he doesn't regardless of what he did/tried to do

inlovewithsnow2002 October 27, 2024 3:37 pm

Makes me wanna read all those sex worker rights zines and books and articles I've been letting pile up

inlovewithsnow2002 October 15, 2024 7:15 am

Seijin sucks for pushing boundaries and coercing Jiwoon in to going along with stuff he clearly doesn't like and refusing to actually do something romantic with Jiwoon that doesn't devolve in to sex Inhyuk sucks for being ridiculously selfish and only caring about Jiwoon's boyfriend being shit in so far as it allows him to take advantage of and use Jiwoon to satisfy his ego and his broken heart Jiwoon deserves better and should 1000% leave both ain't shit men in the garbage dump where they belong

    inlovewithsnow2002 October 15, 2024 7:17 am

    I also refuse to blame Jiwoon for any of their shitty behavior trusting someone who claims to like you and want to date you isn't a crime and being "naive" isn't some sort of massive moral failing none of those men should have ever treated him like this in the first place

inlovewithsnow2002 September 26, 2024 11:14 pm

It's kind of weird to me that people are calling Jaeyoung annoying or insufferable for not knowing how to deal with the random supernatural entities threatening his life and the guy who seems to be the root of the problem who also keeps saving him but also keeps treating him like he's stupid for not knowing what's going on I feel like his reactions are perfectly reasonable he's scared and confused and the one person who seems to have all the answers also refuses to explain anything to him and is being cryptic and quite frankly creepy considering he a stranger at this point keeps insisting on Jaeyoung staying by his side while also getting angry and snippy with him when Jaeyoung acts like a person with free will instead of a doll he can move around and protect it's weird and I'd even go so far as to argue that him blaming Yihan is also perfectly reasonable correlation doesn't equal causation but if you only started experiencing life threatening events after the clingy new kid started forcibly hanging around you and he refused to explain anything who would you blame for this situation

    Poopers September 30, 2024 7:26 pm

    They’re more mad at the individual who had his normal life shifted then the guy who’s the root of the problem it’s insane the ghosts are appearing cause he killed innocents but people are mad at the mc for being reasonably confused and scared???

    Loner October 1, 2024 5:19 pm
    They’re more mad at the individual who had his normal life shifted then the guy who’s the root of the problem it’s insane the ghosts are appearing cause he killed innocents but people are mad at the mc fo... Poopers

    We dunno ML the root the problem. But we know mc stupid for no reason.

    Loner October 1, 2024 5:29 pm

    Like u said ML might sus but he didn't pass boundary. He just ask MC that he want to walk him home for safety sake but mc decline his offer didn't he? For such small reason or ego? Despite that the fact he just experience horror?
    His behaviour is unreasonable. Even u say ML is sus. Normal ppl will still accepted the offer. Safety come first. Also ML identity is clear, they on same school.

    Confuse? Maybe yeah for the origin why ghost been chasing him. But if i was him, if i being target by ghost and i can be safe if i near that guy and he willing to help me. why not? we only walk home and sharing cpntact just in case for danger only. its not bigdeal. It just small price for a safety i got. And i can do research why the ghost target me.

    inlovewithsnow2002 October 6, 2024 6:56 pm
    Like u said ML might sus but he didn't pass boundary. He just ask MC that he want to walk him home for safety sake but mc decline his offer didn't he? For such small reason or ego? Despite that the fact he just... Loner

    I'd argue he's crossed several boundaries actually they aren't friends they're strangers they literally just met like a month or two ago and the extent of all their conversations has been the ML screaming at Jaeyoung for living his life and not heeding the whims of a complete stranger who keeps insisting he do xyz with the vague explanation of "it's for his own good" while also not explaining anything not to mention ML and Jaeyoung are the same age this isn't an adult trying to take care of a rowdy teenager and keep them from danger this is a strange classmate forcing his way in to his space and his life with no explanation and from his perspective putting him in danger

    You say that we don't know if the ML is the root of the problem but we also don't know that he isn't or rather Jaeyoung has no way of knowing that he isn't especially because all this stuff only started happening the moment he showed up nearly right after ML shows up to Jaeyoung being frankly off putting and weird glaring at him who is again a complete stranger then the ghost or whatever they are showing up

    Not to mention Jaeyoung's life is in danger suddenly not ML and instead of treating him like a person ML insist on screaming at him for everything he thinks he's done wrong when he has again not explained anything Jaeyoung's reaction is reasonable

    At this point at the story Jaeyoung has been attacked screamed at criticized basically stalked by his so called protector and overall been treated like shit he has no reason to trust the ML beyond knowing that the ghost maybe don't like him and the only reason he's cut him off now is that the one thing he can supposedly rely on him for i.e. making sure the ghost don't hurt him he didn't even do so why the heck should he be nice and accommodating to this boy

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