I mean for real this misunderstanding would've never made if past the pregnancy reveal in most situations. I mean most people would say "I'm pregnant" and right there the seme would've known. If not the whole abort it bs and I would've been like "how the hell can you day that about your own baby" and let it be known that way lol. Couple of emotional teens not listening to each other pretty much
Only a couple chapters in and that horn is giving me anxiety lol, keep expecting him to poke him in the eye or something lol
Really weird transition between chapter 13 and 14 lol
Idk what’s weird about it unless you’re talking about my translation or his horn because I typed it correctly considering I actually speak Korean lol
unless you’re not*
I didn't say anything about the translation. I'm talking about the story in general, it's pacing is kind of odd, jumpy maybe is a good word for it.
Oh , yes I agree
Perhaps the publisher had the author cut content that would have made the transition more smooth? Or else a chapter or pages of the raw weren't uploaded so there was nothing to translate to make it flow better?
In one of the chapters the horn seemingly disappears and I was thinking: DID EUNSOO GET STABBED WITH THE HORN?! I had to zoom in to see the horn was just on the other side of Eunsoo’s head.
Could be, they could've been limited on time or space as well. Maybe it's their first full work even. I like the topic and the art is good but I keep catching myself wondering if it's missing pages ya know?
Yeah, I thought so too. At least we still get to read what seems to be a cute story with nice art.