I’m frustrated. Let me just jump right into some spoiler scrolling…
While I adore this webtoon because I think each character is beautifully drawn, the story tends to ANNOY THE HELL out of me.
I immediately bought this episode this week to see more about Jiwon and DG and I had only the last two panels to observe to try and figure out what might happen there… So, basically no progress… Okay, fine.
But we do get more information about BJ MD’s intentions. While I enjoy knowing more about any character in the manhwas I read and the reasons they do what they do, I just haven’t really found BJ MD all that interesting because I had him pegged as a sleazy douchebag the moment I saw him and he’s being told exactly like that… Chanwoo looked fabulous even while wasted, at least?
I know BJ Alex isn’t filed under romance, but I just want to witness a sex scene without DG looking like he’s in a bunch of pain… Jiwon might be able to do that, but not soon? I mean, it would be realistically impossible… He’s still inside him…with a dildo, to boot! *Facepalm*
I have nothing else to really add so I’ll end this ramble with my typical “Jiwon, you’re an idiot.”

I wish jiwon's dick gets hurt with the dildo , I mean while they r inside , I really wish it ...

It just means it isn't focused one romance , overly romantic events and so on , it is to me a an everyday life ?

Do you really think MD is being portrayed at sleazy in the newest raw? I mean, he takes care of Chanwoo and gets him home safely after Chanwoo was roofied. Then, he keeps going back to the bar in hopes of running into him again and then asks DG for his help in getting with Chanwoo. I think he seems like a pretty nice guy who is just into S&M.
Jiwon is the turd nugget here who I am not happy with. Hopefully DG will wise up and just leave him and his violent tendencies next week.

What does sleazy mean ?
Sorry different language speaker here ,

I get that you're frustrated because you wanted to more about Jiwon and DG but it needed to be explain how MD likes Chanwoo and not DG. In chapter 23 and 24, it seems like MD likes DG, and that's not the case. It's called a sub story. I'm pretty sure we'll see them next week. Jiwon fucked up badly...like brutally that he is using sex as punishment. DG is most likely physically hurt from the DP in chapter 25.
Also, I don't see MD as sleazy...I see him as a mysterious guy that keeps his love of being sadistic under wraps. We as readers, barely know him (Jiwon doesn't like him, DG likes him as a friend). So, I think we should be more open to getting to know him as a character seeing that Chanwoo and him will be the second couple of the story. I have a feeling Chanwoo will play hard to get...seeing he had bad experiences with finding a partner.
I also found it admirable that MD didn't take advantage of Chanwoo (who looks so cute) when he was drunk(drugged). In a lot of yaoi, we know it turns out differently.

Yes, he doesn't seem as bad as the comments here make out. At first we only saw him through Alex's perspective, and Alex primarily views him as a rival in their work. His S&M thing is work, just as Alex puts on his mask persona. Therefore we get a better understanding of him when he is outside of a work scenario like when he made sure a visibly ill stranger got home safely, and his affection and hopes to see him again which don't come off as the cold/dominant way he was originally portrayed by Alex.
Not sure why people are viewing him as "sleazy"? Both he and Alex are basically cam boys, ofcourse within a work setting they put on a show and a character. They are also part of a broadcasting company rather than just uploading things themselves, so sponsorships like MD getting that box of 'toys" that he gives to Alex doesn't seem that far fetched. MD's sense of humour obviously isn't universal, but he just comes off as having a bit of banter with Alex due to their rivalry rather than having any malice or being a bad person.

I didn't say you couldn't dislike him. I said that I disagree with you on finding him sleazy--I don't think he is.
Also, I doubt that MD thought that Jiwon was going to take his frustrations out on DG. First, Jiwon told MD that it was a no string attached relationship, so why would Jiwon get so upset over DG talking to MD--when they aren't even dating? MD didn't even know that Jiwon seen them in the cafe that night in ch. 24. That doesn't make any sense. I'm sure he likes pushing Jiwon's buttons but I highly doubt MD believed that the situation in chapter 25 was going to happen despite knowing Jiwon's personality.

No, I absolutely believe he can redeem himself. It will probably take some time...inner soul searching maybe? He has to find a way to make it up to DG (I really want to see how DG reacts).
Honestly, I think something happen to Jiwon in his past that made him the jerk that he is now. He can be nice and we've seen him do nice little stuff for DG. He'll probably come to terms that he likes DG.

Plus MD didn't even know DG was Alex sex partner, he just said something like "the guy register", Alex was the one who thought he was talking about DG

Wtf? Can u chill? U do this every update... It's yaoi so there's going to be romance + character development takes some time.

All right. It's time for Friday talk to try and figure out where this story is headed. I'm not sure if I should be grabbing popcorn or what, though, to be honest...
Here are some raws to follow along:
Who wants to talk about this? I do...
I would like to make it very clear I don't like BJ MD so my thoughts of this chapter will not put him in a good light.
I think BJ MD is playing all of them. He's pretending to be all supportive to Jiwon and Dong-gyun when he privately chats with them, but it's painfully obvious that he just wants to be the best BJ so I don't think he actually wants Jiwon to keep screwing DG. This is a turning into a dirty game and I'm not sure if I like it.
As beautiful as DG is, it is also becoming rather noticeable that he is mainly only being presented to be a "muse" for these BJs. BJ MD might be trying to play it off like he's targeting DG, but I think it's only to mess with Jiwon in order to bring BJ Alex down in rankings.
The reason I'm not liking these turn of events is I really appreciate Dong-gyun's character and I don't like him to be manipulated like this from either BJ. I've been rooting for Jiwon to develop the true feels for DG, and that still may happen, but I really wish another seme would have been introduced to just be there and like DG for who is he. Was that demand of mine asking for too much? Maybe.
I'll just have to wait and see if BJ MD's efforts actually make Jiwon jealous enough to realize he really likes DG or what.
Also, if DG actually gets played into doing BDSM on BJ MD's show, I'll be surprised... DG is a huge fan of BJ Alex and it would be really out of his character to do it once he figures out BJ MD's true intent.
Chanwoo might finally step in and get all up in that BDSM soon maybe? As much as I don't want Chanwoo to deal with this drama, maybe he is the solution to please BJ MD and bring the story back to Jiwon and to make Jiwon stop being an asshole and be DG's boyfriend already damn it.
Well, let me know what you all think will happen, I am curious!

I thought the one BJ MD was playing with is DG (looks like him) but he didn’t like BDSM. It’s obvious he’s hitting on DG and I like Alex’s jealous face. Geez wake up if not your little cake will be eaten by your rival

As much as you hate that, I do really wish that these BJs obsess over Donggyun, whether it's love or anything else. I want to see Jiwon come on top DOMINATING everyone, be a badass boy. But my prediction MD won't play to much role, I mean Donggyun had established he didn't like BDSM. This drama will make Jiwon realize he has more into his relationship with Donggyun than just sex. Ugh can't wait next week.

I don't speak Korean and my google translate wasn't super on point for this chapter, BUT I think that MD is just chatting with DG because 1) it's fun to annoy Alex and 2) to get closer to Chanwoo.
I really think that this will all cause some sort of misunderstanding that will be a catalyst for a conflict that will force Alex to express his true emotions following lots of drama that I am very much looking forward to.
But, I really think that MD is aiming for Chanwoo and Chanwoo is gonna be so down.

I'm still working on trying to put Korean sentences together right so this probably isn't 100% correct, but I'll try.
소근.. = Laughing
저실은 동균 씨에게만 부없 앨이틀있어요. = I know 동균 is DG so my guess is BJ MD is saying he can help DG with (something)
들어 줄래요? = Can I ask a favor? I think. He's going to ask him (unsure of what since it's a cliffhanger)

Argh I’m curious about what is he going to ask him

Okay laughing wasn't the right word there. It was the comic's way of suggesting a whisper/under the breath thing and I -thought- it was a chuckle but I dunno I'm not an expert. The only thing I'm sure of is I dislike BJ MD and I like how Jiwon dresses.
By the way, have you all seen Mingwa's Youtube videos of her recent drawing steps of the chapters?
My friend had me rolling when he was like, "You can draw hot guys too in just 600 easy steps!" hahaha

Actually i don't get how MD lured DG to talk to him casually at the end and all...all we have to do is wait patiently for the upcoming chapters.
Yeah i saw her videos in her twitter account...

I'm not clear on everything even when I get the text translated the best I can because there are ambiguous thoughts/actions and also different point of views.. It's like almost every character has different intentions going on right now. I can try to explain a bit more but I tend to toss in my opinions so this will be a bit of a mess (sorry)
BJ MD is very sly and DG is falling for BJ MD's game of just pretending to be the mentor (to help DG explore his BDSM fantasy because that's BJ MD's broadcast theme) that is why I feel DG is still being polite to BJ MD... I really, really don't think BJ MD actually likes DG (as in he would want DG to be his boyfriend or anything)
I also actually expected Jiwon to get a lot angrier... The whole jealousy route might be better, though. As long as Jiwon doesn't basically tell DG to go fuck BJ MD and be done with him, I think I'll be all right and not panic.

I agree with everything you said. I did the same as you with the google translate and I don't know if I'm imagining it and I don't know if I'm the only one, but I could swear that in one panel when they're sitting the next day, it looked like MD was looking off to the side. What direction is he looking at? Behind the counter. Chanwoo's behind the counter! I don't know if he knows Chanwoo's kink, OR he could actually know him. Judging from what I've seen of Chanwoo's character, he seems like a flirty type who goes hooking up (maybe even one night stands). But clearly, Chanwoo appears to not know MD otherwise he would say something. Who knows? Guess we'll have to wait and see.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

It's my turn to give my thoughts on this episode...
*Ominous music*
DG is certainly the sweeter half of this relationship I totally am shipping! Jiwon will be nice someday, just not right now...
BJ MD totally denied that faceless blondie anymore BDSM live stream roles with him, but what was the real reason? I must know!
All right, all right. Jokes are over. I have one question and one question only...
Why does BJ MD know so much about Jiwon? It's actually borderline stalker material, lol.
Btw DG...you adorable little thing...you totally messed up and confirmed all of BJ MD's suspicions... I'm sad about this because this might really hurt your relationship with Jiwon.
Until next week! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

BJ MD being possessive and thinking about DG might ask him to be his lover.

well ya at least now I know that MD is only using DG to ruin alex's career and be no.1 streamer. I think he has kink on Chanwoo instead of DG. hmmm mingwa you one sly mofo

Are most of these Jiwon comments filled with genuine hate for the guy? I really hope not. I only try to joke about how much of an idiot I think he is, and I guess I’m feeling the need to explain a bit about myself to try and give some context as to why I’m rather supportive of Jiwon in the first place. So, here I go…
I was interested in memorizing the Korean alphabet (Hangul) back in 2015 to help me understand the language’s syntax and to particularly be able to read webtoons from that country. While I’ll always appreciate Japanese manga, I just felt the urge to go the extra mile because of certain manhwas. This has helped me follow BJ Alex pretty decently whenever there’s a new update.
Now, you might be thinking that being able to understand the raws might not matter when it comes to spotting a real asshole. Well, while that is usually true, knowing both English and Korean has helped me actually realize that there’s a lot more to this particular webtoon than the apparent smut material and Jiwon is actually being shaped to be one of the most interesting characters I’ve read in this type of yaoi setting.
I’ll now give examples (mainly referring to my past posts/replies) to try and support my opinion and the point to all this ramble.
#1 question I want to explain: Is Jiwon is the scum of the earth and should you hate him?
This past post of mine tries to explain why I don’t think he’s as bad as a lot of people are making him out to be (warning, it discusses chapter 20) - http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/2833043/
I also kind of rudely typed out a book in this user’s topic post: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/2875612/ - Do look this one over though since I reveal some juicy info to further support why I don’t think Jiwon is all that bad.
#2 question I want to explain: Does Jiwon actually like Dong-Gyun?
This is something that’s being talked about A LOT on both the English and Korean social media outlets for webtoons, trust me. And honestly… Only Mingwa has the answers to that. I could go on for days with my analysis on Jiwon and how I think he actually already has acknowledged he is starting to care, but it might all become a moot effort if the creator actually has a different plan for the main couple and as much as it would sadden me if that’s the route she decided to stick with, it wouldn’t surprise me because this manhwa has already revealed a lot of different tones and I think she has the freedom there to take it in any direction because of that.
#3 question I want to explain: BJ MD WHO DIS AND WHY JIWON BE SO MAD ABOUT HIM?
I did an outline of this here: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/2873846/
If you’ve looked all this over and still hate Jiwon, though, I can’t change your opinion. I do hope my explanations (the comedy drenched ones too) have maybe shed some light, though.
And, of course, I’ll be looking forward to chapter 23 and I hope you do also!

I’m very relieved, and I’ll do my best to tell you why!
Disclaimer: This isn’t a literal translation, this will be my own (humorous, somewhat spoilerific?) rundown of chapter 22… So, let it begin?
https://toonkor.com/BJ_%EC%95%8C%EB%A0%89%EC%8A%A4_22%ED%99%94.html Here's a free version of chapter 22 if you haven't seen the raws, yet...
One more dot for luck...
Okay. I’m very glad they established they don't like BDSM right off the bat in this chapter because I didn’t like them testing those waters anyway.
Next up, we get a nice reveal. You know how I want to sum this up? Here you go:
Jiwon is going on about how much he hates BJ MD and I was sitting there the whole time thinking, 'Jiwon, you’re once again proving you’re blind to your own thoughts/actions because you’re pretty much the same as him….'
DJ is sitting there listening… recovering from the ridiculous BDSM shenanigans Jiwon put him through (rather impressively, might I add) and this panel scene concludes with DG thinking BJ MD and BJ Alex did the deed and actually had a relationship.
… Cue my interpretation, of course!
Jiwon was like, "HECK NO I HAVE TASTE, FOOL…"
*Jiwon then proceeds to stare at DG* and this is when I wanted to jump into the webtoon and be like has a light bulb come on in your head, yet, Jiwon? I mean, damn dude! Yes… DG is full of that beauty and wonderful taste, isn’t he?
Lol… and of course Jiwon never fails to notice DG’s erection…
It’s all right, though. The ending sex scene was actually very hot and I -think- they did it without a condom. Someone do correct me if they didn’t? It really seemed like it, though…
Jiwon totally liked their sex without toys and DG will get that proper shower he deserves soon, I hope?
I had too much fun typing this I think so I might need to wrap this up with a more serious comment.
I’m happy that this manhwa hasn’t gotten any darker than chapter 21 and Mingwa brought the humor right back in. Jiwon and DG’s relationship is better when the silly elements are thrown into the mix and I’m back to being fully supportive of Jiwon even though I think he’s an idiot and I’ll be here typing run-on sentences and not-so-patiently waiting for that day when he decides to show DG how much he actually cares.
Until next time! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Yet another chapter 21 discussion post. Read at own risk ---
I’m just immediately going to start with some scrolling here..
It took me a bit to want to give my weekly chapter ramble because I didn’t like what I was translating to English and/or looking at, to be quite honest with anyone reading this post right now.
I’m not sure why Mingwa wanted to do a chapter solely on this rather painful moment for the main couple here... We had more of the dark, angry side of Alex coming out (who honestly likes that side of him?) and we had DG starting to show regret.
I know this is Mingwa’s webtoon and she’s entitled to do whatever story she has mapped out with her editor, but damn do I feel silly for being so invested in this and getting rather upset over drawings…
Random Jiwon/Alex diss #1: Jiwon is an absolute idiot for being so stubborn and not realizing he is getting so very close to someone who is so willing to work with his terrible personality (for now)
Random Jiwon/Alex diss #2: DG might realize he doesn’t want to be Alex’s sex tool soon enough and maybe that’s a good thing. I was always rooting for Jiwon/Alex to get some moment of enlightenment and actually express a decent disposition to DG but who knows now.
Conclusion: I’ll still wait and buy all the Korean and English chapters because I want support Mingwa and see what happens, but this story has certainly taken a very sour turn and I want DG to start getting some appreciation soon.
P.S. ...And I want Jiwon’s character to actually fucking be worth a damn because I cherish my monies.
/end rant ... Thank you very much and (maybe) see you next week!

I love your weekly ramblings!! I can tell that you're a mature reader and well mannered *chough* anyways yeah as much as I love alex I STILL WANT MY BABY DG TO BE HAPPY I'm putting so much hope on mingwa to develop the story on the right direction

My thought exactly

I wish there was a way to directly tip the author because Lezhin is in a big scandal for ripping off their authors. Even their top authors get screwed out of money for their works. I hate supporting Lezhin knowing what they're like, but I'd really love to support the authors themselves to see that they get their fair share for their works.
I hope Korean authors have a patreon or something soon.

Nothing is confirmed yet as the webtoon isn't finished. My post was more of a bitter ramble about not liking how unpleasant chapter 21 actually was based on my own understanding of the raws and personal experiences.
I think Mingwa will still bring back the humor and some silver linings with Jiwon and DG and things will probably work out for them. Maybe.
If Jiwon continues to act like this, though, I want DG to get away because perhaps Jiwon doesn't really want to change for the better and he doesn't deserve the beautiful and amazing DG.
Why is Jisuh wondering about his ex? This has me worried ... Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
Because the TV was talking about stalkers and it reminded him of his ex (who was stalking him) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
maybe he stop stalking Jisuh and started stalking someone else... then they caught him. maybe
Remember heejae paid him to stalk him.
So now it looks like jinsuh is going to find that out
daanm. i forgot about that. all sheit we in for a treat next update. i am SO ready to see this culprit. im stoked !!