Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Look-Alike Daughter

Namsoo pissed the shit outta me

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Plum Blossom Shade

Hajin ah you’re a scholar for fuck sake. You better not believe that shitty lies from that dirty little skank. Your man fight for you just to put your status back. Imma smack yo ass if you dont step up your game

Inwoo isnt taking care of himself bcs he’s mentally unstable..mentally sick…are you guys be fucking for real???? Like is this where you draw the line for mentally unstable people? So if you see depressed people not brushing their teeth for about a month or don’t clean their room for months, you’re gonna call them out as a what? Dirty little skank? The chemical imbalance in their brains are not the same as the healthy normal people. It’s not an excuse but he’s not taking care of himself because he was sick in the fucking head

Gatitoeswhodis followed a list

Romance webtoons with good build up and character development, but most importantly—lovable female and male leads!

We hate overbearing, rude jerks; we like confident but respectful male leads and female leads with great personalities.

I only include quality webtoons. Stuff like true beauty (messy plot, female lead lacks development) won’t be included.

ALSO!!!! no isekai this is mostly realistic / not fantasy

06 09,2024
Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Dreadful Night

No one :
Absolutely no one :
The killer : but im a creeeppp im a weirdoo whathell am i doing hereeee

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Ohh so she’s a homophobic. No wonder she get all tense up

Is the boy okay? Im at chapter 16 but so far i get the vibe like he’s been abused by his parents or sumn?

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of 2020

He looks different now in school uniforms. He was always in that short slutty pants with a see through thin shirt

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Plum Blossom Shade


Idk you guys but i’d be annoyed too if someone was creeping up on me like that. Stalking me around. Tryna dig into my past live just to build his own character. Like he clearly crossed the boundaries for so many times. The blond guy has said no so many times so his anger is valid.

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Honey Bear

I dont mind the childhood friends but hajin???? You could’ve just said that you seeing someone in the moment? You could’ve just said no to your childhood friend. You could’ve said anything fgs. Damn disappointed with how things went, all for reason you want to please people around but NOT the guy you currently seeing

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Foul Smell
Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Homeless/No Home

When I first started reading this, I dropped it so many times cs it feels boring to me. All they do is fight and the misunderstanding is like way too much. But then recently I started to read it again and it was beautifully written. The anger the pain the sadness the humour. The bonding between them all. All the characters development. Every thing about them is written beautifully

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Plum Blossom Shade

I am consumed by rage and anger just seeing that bitch

Get this man in mental hospital for good

Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Sparkling Baby
Gatitoeswhodis created a topic of Homeless/No Home

That scene where minju accidentally sits on top of haejoon is so youth kdrama coded