Since there is a hiatus on the Korean version, I think next week is hiatus on English too. If not, I'll move the official chapters up for easier reading.
Only about 5 chapters left. Translation is really exhausting it burned me out. I have stopped for a while now. But I'll see if I can manage to finish those 5 chapters.
Only about 5 chapters left. Translation is really exhausting it burned me out.I have stopped for a while now. But I'll see if I can manage to finish those 5 chapters. bloomingdale
Hi sorry for messaging here but for 1 to 10 chapter 28, there seems to be some errors with the panel TT
Since there is a hiatus on the Korean version, I think next week is hiatus on English too. If not, I'll move the official chapters up for easier reading.
oh thank you so very much I owe you my life
At your service