this is the first time i will read this after four years — wish me luck

dora the explora created a topic of Kick Off

must be nice to be rich and take a shower with an expensive suit on — can’t relate because I jumped into the pool with jeans on one time, and I felt like I was going to die

dora the explora created a topic of Kick Off

honestly, i would like to see these characters again but with a more in detail or rewritten story with a slower and more realistic plot— maybe it’s just me but i like when both parties have experience and so on

“baby pussy” is something i never thought i would hear.

just like how “my bro” does it…girl bye

dora the explora followed a goer

Yeah, I'm your eyes

check out my art!!

extra sketches in my album~

"People eventually look for the devil when they are turned away by their god"
 - Lee Jong-hwi

08 11,2023
dora the explora created a topic of True Beauty

you really thought you ate?

dora the explora created a topic of Honey Trouble

BUT i still want to see him and the professor ;)

bro, i love tatsuo — we need more male leads like tatsuo! he is giving communication, growth, and sexyyyyyyyyyy

how could your ex-boyfriend who you STILL think about and are clearly not over him, be able to be your best friend?


literal masterpiece — the art & the plot just *chefs kiss*. it was a different ending than i expected as i thought he was going to turn himself in; however, he just ended up lives with the guilt and choosing each other!