Hello, I'm here mostly to talk about random thoughs, so sorry if this bores you.
I navigate trough the internet a lot, I don't use social media though, the one I use most is youtube. Recently, but I actually think for a long time now, withouth even noticing, I've been harboring a though in my head,... why do I feel like there's a tremendous lack of tollerance and understanding among humans?
Both in real life and online, I don't know if it's been developing in our society since recent decades, or I was just ignorant to it.
I see people complaining about people for mistakes that to me look just really human and normal to make as we are not perfect, a person coming to a realization of something important in their life, possibly even changing them as a person wich I find very noble, and others saying 'oh you realized just now'. People criticizing others behavior wich is reasonable when it brings harm, but not when you are just nitpicking the details.
In my life I've always been more of a listener, there have been many instances were I thought "isn't this a bit harsh?", and recently even more when reading comments online. Idk even if they are not directed to me, why does it just... sadden me a lot? Where did we forgo our tollerance, understanding, sympathy or emphaty towards others?
This is just a random connection that I feel deeply, for who played events in genshin during sumeru they will know what Im talking about, the event involving kaveh had a great impact on me, althought Im far from being as good as him, I saw a bit of myself in him, and all the talk about the nihilistic view made me think that maybe I'm already a foot in this negative view of the world, and idk how to feel about this.
For who read trough the end, thanks, I felt like sharing this somewhere.