I love this series literally one of my most favourite ever and I started reading this for a couple of years now so I almost sobbed seeing hinata grow up in the extra time goes by so fast and I can't believe it really ended wish the author would get to revisit this family in the future even if it's extras only

I swear the haters and the trolls are faster than actual readers of the story
Listen I won't justify me reading this because at this point I'll just exhaust myself even more, but one thing I want to get clear because some of the commentators have the audacity to label those who enjoy and read this as "Liking" Grooming and Pedophilia and that doesn't sit right with me because I get it it's the Internet everyone's anonymous or has the feeling of anonymity so you can assume and say shit
But I have to say clear something up, No I do not "Like" nor do I "Support" Grooming and Pedophilia. Just because I read this manga and enjoy it doesn't mean I enjoy such things, that's a horrible accusation even in the Internet, and plenty of readers are likely the same
The key difference is that I know how to separate fiction and reality, it's literally essential for my line of work to handle sensitive cases that also involves real life grooming and pedophilia and even worst cases, I sympathise with victims and want justice for them, I absolutely hate pedophiles and rapists and even want them to get the same punishment as murder cases heck I'd want the death penalty for them because victims will live with what happened to them for life which worst than murder in my opinion
I am an advocate and I have helped people in real life who actually went through such things, I abhor pedophiles and their actions, stop acting all holy over manga that doesn't even go close to what actual victims go through from real perpetrators and grooming because I am pretty sure very little of you met and helped people who went through that
I get it, I probably would've fought as hard as you are if this manga was real, but it isn't. I am not and will never be ok with pedophilia and grooming in real life, don't accuse of me of liking or supporting such things just because I read and enjoy this manga.
If you want to actually make use of your time being keyboard warriors I suggest you go and spread awareness of rapists and pedophiles who aren't sentenced and those who just walked free after serving less than their sentences because of "Good behavior" in prisons because believe me there are many real evil people around and walking free who has the chance to go and actually hurt a real child/person because the justice system if flawed as fuck
So many convicted pedophiles are walking free, some are even allowed to be near children, imagine those not convicted or not catched? And the victims are still hurt and not given justice. Put your attention into them, share posts about pedophiles walking free, go and sign up to be volunteers in shelters, be good people outside of this comment section because you're all so chronically online that your biggest worry is people reading this manga is so sad not gonna lie

Not adding to the post above
Seriously if you or someone you know is being groomed in real life, please reach out to someone, the authorities especially so something can be done about it
And it is important that you get counselling/therapy as victims often will suffer very lasting effects of going through something traumatic
And if it did happen to you, please remember It isn't/wasn't your fault, you never asked for any of it to happen to you, some people are just evil or sick but that would never justify hurting a person, hurting you
Reach out to authorities if something like that happens IRL. I am trained to deal with aftermaths of such events so if you ever need a listening ear I'll be glad to listen to you and try to help in ways I can
Be good people, and you can still be good people irl even if you read this manga don't forget it!

You WEIRDO!!! You help advocate for victims of pedophilia and deal with sensitive cases involving grooming but you still enjoy reading a fictional romance on this shitshow of a manga? Do you see the title, it has the term Shota do you know why it’s in the title because this is catered for Shotacons! You claim that,”it’s just fictional” but what do you think about the people who enjoy watching snuff films? How about the people who are lolicons and have figurines how their,”waifus”? you deal with these cases in real life how do you think any of the people you help and advocate for would do ,if they found out you were reading about a little boy and a high schooler?? And don’t say,”oh nothing bad happens” I looked through the photos people save of this manga and I see so many suggestive photos! That is actually crazy, you of all people should know better. Honestly, I would be ashamed of myself

This is absolutely false girl calm down we can tell
Unless you actually just do the work for the money.
That also it seems you’re lying or are still a student because simply stating “I work against pedophiles and handle these cases” really won’t justify you reading these in fact ruins it.
Moreover it isn’t about “separate fiction from reality” but morality.
I swear this would give me feelings I don't want to acknowledge so imma not read for now