Hi ^^)/ I think you got more knowledge than me though hehe. BTW nice to meet you.
I start learning Japanese by watching Anime a lot and I do can understand most of it w/o sub. Like I surprised myself I can understand what's going on more or less while listening to Drama CD. But understanding lyrics from songs is totally different ╥﹏╥
I'm learning Kana with an Kana app on my smartphone. Starting with Hiragana 1st. Though I do recognise every Hiragana through the Hiragana quiz but as soon I see it on paper/online I somehow I forgot what Romaji it was. Especially when the form it was written by looks different.
I think I'm trying to hard learning all the hiragana at once (trying to recognise all letters, learning stroke order)?
It's different from learning your ABC in Western language ( ̄∇ ̄")
I'm still learning my Spanish and I got to relearn my German as well (someday). Also I completely forgot the most of my France (Only the minimum basic knowledge is left in my brains now ╥﹏╥)
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ The languages I most know now is English and Dutch. Though I'd to learn both at age 3~5 yro (My mother tongue is long lost. I'm mixed Asian/Eu) I end up not knowing what my true language is now. Since I still lack communication in both English/Dutch some way or another ( ̄∇ ̄")

I wish I have all the money to learn from actually classes. I wanna learn Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Swedish (acually Im very interested in this one) but I thought that before learning all of that, I'd start to learn Asian language first because they're much more easier to different shape the sounds.
Personally, Im just very interested in people who learns languages, So Im sorry for being a busybody. Just ignore me if you want to ( ̄∇ ̄") So this busybody would like to ask you if you write kana on books by hand?

(=・ω・=) It was obligatory to learn Dutch, English, German & France at my school (But at exams we could choose 2 or more. I skipped German & France at my exams before). Years later had to learn Spanish 'cos we moved out (^///^) Still not very fluent.
I fell in love w/Anime & Manga in this country so my interest grew in Japanese language. (⌒▽⌒)
I can't recognise Katakana yet. Will move on if I can memorize Hiragana completely w/o forgetting. I'm using the apps: Kana Mind, JustKana, KanaKana and as last LingoDeer (This app also let you learn Korean and Chinese for free)

Yep. Its easier to practice on hands, especially strokes, its about creating them naturally. So normally, I practice on Hiragana and Katakana by writting it down on a square line book. You might find it hard to write with stability later on if not practiced well. Like this https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/84/c7/b8/84c7b805e1d9df4d2a37f17baf69989a.jpg

JJ my boy you shouldn’t have said that that was extra mean…..my heart hurts a bit.
(Its like when u worked so hard to improve yourself but people just see the wrong in you hmmm im so saddd)
Which is why I'm so glad Leo stuck up for himself, but even after that i felt like J.J was still thinking that Leo was being the way he used to be, I know he isn't the most expressive person but I felt like his response to Keo was just "oh whatever go lie down"