why do i feel like baek sol will marry yeon il???????? i hope not lol ( ̄へ ̄)

i don’t think that’s likely since yeon il’s family background is not that great (unless he’s hiding something). she’s prob marrying a businessman or someone with a high salary/good reputation, seeing as how she’s viewed as the ‘golden child’. the only possible way i think she would marry yeon il is if she is rebelling against her mother.

I feel sad for Norman, he was so fucking wholesome then ends up getting fucked by 2 creeps

Sad? that whore liked it and if he even regretted it he would've dropped ties with their asses and moved into another fucking continent. if the genre were to change i would wish they got raped by a sharp sword with barbwire on the whole blade. would also grind their dicks on a fucking cheese grater and feed them spaghetti with their guts with shit as meatballs, and grated dick flesh and skin as parmesan cheese.
i'm meltingggggggg