The girlfriend doing that to him made me so sad like did she not think about if he was actually okay with it? Get consent first. Consent and communication is so big when doing shit like wow. That’s why I’m like the seme just needs a proper dom so he can be eased into things because y’all trying to break my guy

It’s not comedy for him to be scared of the dudes that raped and tortured him. I don’t like the brother.

Exactly! Like yes, he hit a girl but one, she put herself there and two, she wasn’t innocent and using him and three, he bought stuff to try and help that because he didn’t mean to. What happened to him was crossing so many lines and not in any way equal. I can’t believe Yata knows someone like the dude that raped him. I really just, ugh.
I’m not very satisfied with the ending. Saimon deserved something worse and almost anyone we’ve encountered that got some spotlight had a bad ending. Bu Dai die, the blind guy died and even the favorite harem boy died ( rightfully so ). Even so it’s kinda like I’m cool with it because in life not everybody gets a happy ending. Kinren was nice due to those sympathy feelings and shit so he didn’t walk away from Saimon on his death bed. It’s all tragic but imperfect in a fucked humane way. Sorta.