I still cannot get over Sangwoo’s past like you cannot hit me with that lIKE THAT LIKE BRO HE ACCIDENTALLY CALLED HIM MOM AND WAS RECALLING HIS ABUSE AND I JUST AM IN SHOCK STILL
Just reminds me of that one quote that goes something like: ‘I don’t fear the monster—I fear what created that monster.’
It just really hurts my heart. If you do not have the mental capacity/ability to handle children you shouldn’t have them. She could’ve allowed another family to have him... I’m glad he was genuinely loved once in his life, bUT sometimes I think his outcome was best. I just also wondered how a victim turned serial killer would be helped. How would he have healed/coped? Could he? Would he? He’d already done so much... adding falling for someone on top–and it was someone who looked like his abuser..

Sex is healthy in a relationship. If you two can be just fine without sex it is also fine. You don’t have to have sex nor do you have to refrain if you both are just that sexually active/compatible with each other. The seme loves the uke very much and probably thought that sex was just part of their interactions—I don’t think he’s obligated to it and right now he is just insecure and since sex ( which isn’t just about pleasure but being attracted to and loving someone ) is what they’re not doing he is trying to test it since it’s not a power/pleasure thing but interest in someone. Guess I’m just tryna say it’s more to it..

Damn she really said this a lesbians only event go home :0

- https://www.medoctruyentranh.net/truyen-tranh/xuyen-thanh-phan-dien-lam-sao-de-song-day-55713669
- https://www.ohmanhua.com/14797/
Here are two websites for reading the raws. Enjoy! :)

Wait wait wait first we stanned our dark skin king but now we stan rapist manipulative vampire? WHEN DID THIS SWITCH HAPPEN
Anywho doesn’t the uke usually end up with whoever is face is towards? Like on most covers their bodies could be all over another guy but they usually look at the person they end up with.
If Kazama bottoming was a sad story or something I’m gonna (/TДT)/