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punchline: existential dread's message board ( All 3 )

Objectifying 2D men is fun June 10, 2021 12:51 am

I read a bunch of your reviews and comments and I love your writing style. That is all. Have a wonderful day

Le Apricot July 22, 2020 7:57 am

All is good in the hood, it was honestly leading us to think is was that for the longest of times. It only gets cleared up in chapter 52..to 55ish. I will say this, there is a lot of manipulation but the deed was done whole he was deemed sober.
Have fun!

Le Apricot July 21, 2020 1:50 am

Hey um, so I read the comment you left for hosiks story and noticed you got 1 thing quite wrong....there is no rape

punchline: existential dread July 21, 2020 10:52 pm

Yo, first off - thanks for reading my comment! I'm always glad when the void I'm hollering into hollers back.

So, re Hosik:

I'll give the story another spin, then - do keep in mind that I did not read very far, so if the author retconned or clarified anything in later chapters I did not have access to that information at the time of my review.

I based my reading on the way Hosik reacted to the morning after and the impregnation - his abject horror at how everything happened the way it did, the amnesia (it's interesting to me how the murky waters of consent, in this case, has a lot in common with a lot of yaoi that deals with non-con somnophilia), and the state of inebriation at the time he was taken advantage of (which reads to me like a classic example of date rape. I don't think you could consent in that state - but if you don't accept that then I can't exactly change your mind on the issue).

Bye for now! I'll get back to you after a jaunt and a caper 'round Hosik town.

ShiroNeko August 31, 2020 12:34 pm
Yo, first off - thanks for reading my comment! I'm always glad when the void I'm hollering into hollers back.So, re Hosik:I'll give the story another spin, then - do keep in mind that I did not read very far, s... punchline: existential dread

This is just a story. A webcomic. If you don't like it then STOP. READING. IT. Find something that will be worth your while. ʕಠ_ಠʔ

Nikki November 13, 2020 6:52 pm
Yo, first off - thanks for reading my comment! I'm always glad when the void I'm hollering into hollers back.So, re Hosik:I'll give the story another spin, then - do keep in mind that I did not read very far, s... punchline: existential dread

I love you so fucking much.
Your review and this comment made my day. Please pay no mind to the void.

Nikki November 23, 2020 5:52 pm

Even IF as you said and believe there was no rape which i have to disagree with you, there was sexual assault and the morning after they did the deed Sunbae kept Hosik against his will in his apartment in return for sexual favors, saying that he would return his clothes and let him leave If hosik sucked his dick.
Sunbae kept him there for two days.

shoo January 7, 2024 7:13 am
Yo, first off - thanks for reading my comment! I'm always glad when the void I'm hollering into hollers back.So, re Hosik:I'll give the story another spin, then - do keep in mind that I did not read very far, s... punchline: existential dread

I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE. The way you write makes the words beautiful.
Pls be my friend (I'm heavily relying on the internet persona to build my confidence to ask this)