Omg this is fucking amazing! Everythings so perfect! I really loved it so much The story felt so real, it really touched me and made me cry. It was so well written
Also i would have loved to se the sex scene of Heeno and Aerak and Dohoon and Yumin!!! Cause we had the sex scenes of Yuru and Jaerim, and Ayeon and Woori in incorrigible, so unfair

Can someone olease explain me the family links of seung jae? I couldnt understand it

his dad was a yakuza boss but he died when seungjae was still pretty young. the old man who made seungjae's scar is another yakuza boss who'd been targeting seungjae's father before. after the father died, the old man gets seungjae's mom to marry him. so basically seungjae is not blood related to the old man nor the other guy with the scars on his face. they're basically his stepdad and brother. his stepbrother has an inferiority complex because despite seungjae not being a direct descendent to the family, he has more promise as the yakuza boss.

I dont even know if i liked it or not, i agree it was not good but i also would say that it was good. It really was unnecessary all the sex and rape, it would have been better if the seme just talked without thinking with his dick, but well, the uke aknowledged it at the end in some ways. It was good that Emoto apollogised for what he did, and that Kirishima was caring for Kurama when Emoto was stalking him, but it was kinda twisted, like it didnt feel right. Idk, im already confused by everything, and we still have Emotos story

I just finished reading Emotos story and it was beautiful! I loved it from the begining till the end. And im thinking that this story it isnt as bad as it looks, like Kirishima is redeming himself in some way, and as we know Kurama accepts it...and rethinking the only scene that was rape was in the hotel part, there one he acknowledged it so...

how could you possibly know if the "rape" was necessary? It's an element of the story. Only the author can judge what is necessary to their plot, and if you don't think so, you've never had the slightest experience with constructing a plot. it's a lot more difficult than you think, so save the "unnecessary" comments for someplace other that manga and manhwa

Wow chill, im not saying that constructing a plot it easy so she should have done it other way, im just giving my opinion about what i think, you dont have to say those unnecesary things. Im being polite and in my comment i didnt judge how the author did it or anything like that, so save your unnecesary comment for elsewhere, kay?

okay, you answered my other questions with politeness and consideration, so I will take back any spite. What has been happening in the industry with fans applying pressure to authors to change their stories to eliminate certain sexual elements is extremely troubling. The word, unnecessary, keeps coming up, so it's a hot button for me. I'm opposed to fan pressure in every possible way. Artists should not have to change their art ever. Every artist and author I know is upset about what happened with Aeju's Food Chain.
Thank you again, aand I'll say please pardon what I said before

No problem, its just that i also hate that kind of fans, I dont like it either when they ask the author to change the story or their styles just because it doesnt suit their taste. I just wantedto give my opinion and nothing else. I appreciate all the hard work every mangaka does, thats why i dont like to hate or pressure them, if i dont like i dont read it and that all. You are forgiven (≧∀≦) Also pardon if i said something rude to you.
Also im curious about that atuff Aejus Food Chain, i dont know what you mean (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Also i read a comment you made in Renai Fuyuki, and i agree that mangas are for entertainment, not for defending rape or promoting it. Its just that it hits hard when you read it because its like it hurts a lot the uke or so, thats why i said that i liked it and kinda not, its like im not sure. But it sure is a beautiful story and art.
Like i began to read the comment section and hesitated about what i thought about the manga

re Aeju's Food Chain, it's a bad situation. There's spoilers down below but I'm hoping you'll read a couple of paragraphs at least before you look at Food Chain, and it's a long post so I'm sorry for that.
Anyone who has ever been stalked by a friend, ex lover, or someone who claims to be interested, knows that having someone follow you around is not a sign of love, devotion, or caring. It's a sign of obsession. The bad kind. It's scary even if you are capable of defending yourself. You don't know what that person is going to do next.
Anyone who has ever experienced a "friend" who shows up and confronts you in the men's room while you're on a date with your new lover, knows how awful a feeling that is, and it's not a sign of pure, unrequited love, caring or sadness over needing your love. It's a sign of psychopathy. When that friend confronts your new lover and even hits him, you should know that this "friend" is bad news.
Anyone who has ever had this such a nightmare friend who delivers ultimatums like "marry me or I will never speak to you again" at a time when the main character hasn't had a chance to settle his feelings of love for the younger seme knows that it's the worst, most tense, most threatened feelling, and you wonder, How will this reflect on me, what if it impacts this new relationship and causes a break up?
I think most adults know that the above behavior is scary, unpredictable, and it doesn't feel like love or devotion.
For some reason, despite the terrible behavior, the fans brought so much pressure to bear on Aeju that she halted in the last quarter of the story, and yielded to fan pressure to change from the younger lover who hadn't done anything wrong to this nightmare seme because "the way he acted showed that he loved the mc more."
The younger seme was villified in a tacked on scene where he sexually assaulted the mc. It was not part of the original story and could hardly be counted as valid.
The youner seme made some mistakes, nothing bad, and helped the mc even though the mc treated him pretty badly.
Aeju was slowly developing the story with the mc and the younger seme, but stopped and rewrote the end with the really bad seme becoming lovers with the mc.
The fans loved it. I can only conclude that they have never experienced stalking, sneaking around to spy on you and your lover, attacking your new lover, delivering rigid ultimatums, and so much more.
All the artists and authors I know are just freaking horrified by what this says about what's happening in the industry and the world. sorry this is so long.

yeah, I hear you. In this manga, to me, I read Kurama as being overwhelmed with arousal despite his protests, and that his trauma comes from being unable to cope with the sex because of the strong inner strictures his father burdened him with. People said there was blood. I didn't notice that, but what I did notice is that the author drew some amazingly beautiful sex. To me that says that the author wants us to enjoy this. The people who see the sex in this and other manga as a horrendous, excruciatingly painful, traumatic ordeal that will ruin the uke's life, I'm sorry but I think that's just dumbass thinking. LOL Authors want to entertain and delight their audience. It's supposed to be a pleasant experience for the reader, not world war z.
When the pleasure of the act extends into the uke's realization that it's the seme he really wants, and they establish a smashingly wonderful relationship, then I think, well, maybe what I saw as passion and arousal applies, and those who think in black and white should open their eyes and see shades of many colors.

No problem, i really underatand what you mean, i totally agree with you, thats why i said that in my comment you know? It really is scary, i havent experienced it bu i think it would be horrible and very scary, thats why im so aware of those things and think a lot about the stalker type of seme and those stuff

And then again i agree with you, this is something for entertainment, not to promote anything. Its just to delight us.
Also it were really beautiful sex scenes, and i agree with you when you said that the uke stuttered because of the pressure his father imposed him.
If i rethink everything, it is true that their relationship was well developed, but i stuttered with the stalking part you know? And also the part of Emoto, but the fact that he apologised was good, and also that Kirishima changes becuase of Kurama was also good. Talking with you made me rethink and i could express what i think, so im glad i did it.
And then again, i dont think authors need to change their story or their style ever, if you dont like it then dont read it.
I think i went of topic, pardon me

See, the people who commented were happy with the abrupt shift from the nicer young seme to that awful seme. Somehow it didn't seem to count to them that the guy was doing some really bad things. To them he seemed like he was doing all those things because he was just so in love with the mc. Someone like me who has experienced such situations is pretty horrified at such reactions. I don't know if I'm being clear, and I hope you don't mind all this talk about it. You had said you were interested in what happened, and that was just like kickstarting my outspokenness on the subject.lol and you seem like someone with a pretty sharp mind.

I understand you, i havent experience it as i previously said but i think that stalking to such extent is not some show of love, it must have been horrible for you.
I dont mind this at all, i love to talk with people that have a sharp mind like you. Also thanks for what you said about me (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Im wondering what you meant in this part "You had said you were interested in what happened, and that was just like kickstarting my outspokenness on the subject." I couldnt understand if i offend you or that it was good because we ended up talking and exchanging opinions, sorry if didnt get what you mean.

I was referring to the manga, Food Chain. No, you did not offend me in any way. I'm really not talking about my experiences with former lovers because I left those experiences behind. They mean nothing to me now, so thank you so much for your kind concern, and don't think twice about it. I'm not bothered in the least about the past crazy-ass situations I put myself in. LOL. I just wanted to say why it bothered me and other artists that fan pressure brought about such an awful change to that story. You're nice to listen to it and make the effort to understand. I just wanted to recommend you read that manga armed with some knowledge beforehand. Honestly, I'm afraid of recommending anyone read it because most people loved it that Aeju switched lovers.
They be feeding us with sexy scenes, but they know when to stop for us to be intrigued Dear Autor, LOVE YOUR WORK