I know you guys are hating Jaekyung rn, but in my own opinion (and please respect) Jaekyung here doesn’t realise what he’s feelings yet. He’s obviously jealous, and I think he’s not aware of that yet. Please know that Mingwa’s previous BL the “BJ Alex” has different story plot. For this one, Kim Dan is incredibly indebted with Joo Jaekyung so rn he can’t do anything but agonise all of JJK’s stupidity. It is still too early to expect good stuff here, maybe another 30 chapters..

Lmao, " Jaekyung here doesn’t realise what he’s feelings yet" and that fact that he doesn't realised his feelings gives him permission to abuse and rape? Like wtf " I am allowed to say no?" " no you're not " no matter how Dan beggs Joo will do whatever he wants to him, If you think that's not a rape because Dan will have money from this then you're fucking stupid, nothing, absolutely nothing excuses Jaekyung's actions, NO MEANS NO and Dan isn't even "allowed" to say no, Dan is also stupid for still staying with him but he doesn't really have a choice and Joo knows about that and he takes advantage of it. Jaekyung is a piece of shit that doesn't even deserve any redemption arc, and anyone who try to defend him and his action is as much a piece of shit as him.

Wrong wording here hes not jealous, hes being possessive over Dan "feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages" is what ealousy is and its not the right word for it. Possessiveness is fundamentally a fear of loss, a fear that someone will take away something you want or you'll that you'll lose it. Jaekyung is just in reality scared that Heesung might actually take Dan away from him. Of course all his actions are disgusting and i dont justify them at all. Im just trying to explain the reasoning here, i dont think what hes done is forgivable in any manner.
The baby is too cute..