What was he gonna say? I mean "but.. that really is wo..." What? What's "harsh"?
Thats why the other guy said 'thats harsh' because like mareo agteed with it at first but wanted to explain more and why but still the fact that it is tru 'is harsh'. the guy who said that, didnt care about the explanation because it is true, the short answer would be yes and that only matters to him.
Mareo was going to say : " but that really is Work" which he meant as in the relationship he has with other females is work to him unlike the one he was with Takahiro,
but since Takahiro is actually going to Mareo's place as part of what he'll call his past job, he took it the wrong way and fells that Mareo is viewing them the same which he find harsh..
Or, that's what I understood.
Is there such an option? I can only see popularity, views, create, update sorting options
Btw views & popularity are very similar, why use both?
Mangago used to have an official home page where you could ask things in 2020 or 2021 I believe, but it is not available anymore. There also was a contact us option at the very bottom of the website page but that has been gone for a while too I think
Also back then you could email to [email protected] but I am not sure if this still is the official address either, but I could not find any new information so you can try this one maybe :)
Common, why should he feel guilty? I mean, from his own point of view. Just because he's not so busy now? Like his subconsciousness feels guilty because deep down he's a caring and kind person? That's bad plot reasoning
Fr, like we know he's a jerk and bc of him Dan suffered, but it's not like he promised something to Dan or that they were in some kind of romantic relationship other than in bed, so he didn't betrayed him or something. I hope he won't end up realising how bad he was and suddenly seeking forgiveness.