Just a potato want to do ( All 1 )

ask for a guys number

Just a potato's experience ( All 1 )

Just a potato 05 02,2021
Ive been sucidal from the beginning of my teens started off as an angsty teen to want to look cool not knowing why but it became a habit till the point i couldnt cope up with my emotions until i cut myself then i got involved in a toxic realtionship this guy meant the world to me but he made fun of my self harm scars telling me he didnt like people......   reply
05 02,2021

Just a potato's answer ( All 2 )

about have sex
Dicks are weird af no matter how many times ive seen them ive never gotten used to how they look , like everytime i see one it just looks more weirder than i remember like a hairless alien worm thingy . Well at least it feels good so i try not to think about its looks to much after all its whats inside that matters right •-•   1 reply
18 02,2021
I was 7 years old and due to harsh financial conditions my family needed to stay with my aunt and cousins . My aunt never liked my mom and verbally harassed her as much as she could and my mom had to endure it cause of our situation so things were kind of wary . My oldest cousin was 19 year old he was always friendly one night I was playing some ga......   1 reply
06 04,2020

Just a potato's question ( All 0 )