Not really ... /sigh
But I wish it had been any different. Now the whole drame probably just really starts. How I abhor such creatures.
Unfortunately, such individuals are not uncommon in the design industry. People who have no real talent themselves and are jealous of talented colleagues. Usually pitching with fair competition turns into a mud battle. Ideas or designs are copied or stolen and if that's not enough to push their pathetic ego, some pretty intrigues are spun. So this story is not so unauthentic here.

Wow, that’s the way to communicate! Out of arguments? Just slap some in. That’s extremely respectable and shows how mature and adult you are.
What a fucker! A hypocrite on top of it. And the mother doesn't make it any better with her spineless nature. People like those are the reason there should be some kind of parental license.
"He looks like a total normally person??!"
Those are the worst, Bro.