Well, actually, that was sadly more bitter than sweet. But that's exactly what 19 Days is. With a totally exaggerated and unrealistic romanticism, it would become implausible. But it's these little gestures that create an incredible atmosphere, albeit quiet and melancholic. Again and again skillfully caught by the fantastic slapstick scenes.

"Sorry Taesoo!" Agh, seriously ... shove your apologies where the sun doesn't shine you hypocritical wench! It's always fascinating how such people always tell themselves they're the victim in the matter. Whether directly or indirectly ... But since hope is known to die last, I believe that sometimes a rotten little copy cat will get its ass kicked. (At least in fiction ...)

The new work seems to be pretty much the opposite of Fools, huh!? I loved "Fools" and I already like this one. Although and maybe just because it's so different. It shows the artist's enormous diversity. I like the tristesse, the animosity and the kinda B-Movie narrative style. And the fact that the artist has great visual talents doesn't have to be mentioned first. Once again, everything is to the point. Great style.
"Jung Yohan is seriously ... Jung Yohan ..."
A rose is a rose is a rose.
omggggg i can love you for this comment honestly (and btw it's just as romantic lol)