Dear Uncle Pan, I actually like you a lot, but what you are doing right now is just a fucking dick move. Besides, this age difference thing is bullshit. It's the opposite. The older you get, the smaller the perceived age gap will become.
Unless you're so superficial and more bothered by the visual signs of aging ...
Or one is just a coward, huh? Which, from the looks of things, looks a lot like it. Still, shitty move on that lad, dude.

it's not just the "age number" it also a lot of other things that come with the age, like the different place you are now compare to the place you were before 10 years. and yeas it is very different and sometimes too different. and of course different mind set and feelings that could never be explain to someone that 10 years younger then you. it can't be help, it just different gap.

I meant when they grow old together the age-gap will appear smaler with time. And if it doesn’t work, then it's just like that. Relationships start, relationships end. There are many reasons for that. Age difference is just another...
Apart from that, it always depends on the respective people. Some people are more mature at 18 than others at 60, and I have seen relationships grow with age differences. For example the parents of my best friend had a difference of about 20 years and were together until the end. She was just of age when they got together.
I think it's absurd to put something like that in a bunker. Apart from delinquency, love shouldn't have drawers.

like you said, it depends on the said person. and where they are in place in their life, you might think it not important but it is important.
some people can act more mature to their age, sure. but they still don't have much experience in life that will help them grow and get a better grasp of who they are.
in this story, sorry to say but the redhead is just not mature enough for this to work, he still needs to learn how to date someone and what is relationships and Pan still need to get over his wall that block him from open up. so it just didn't meant to be, sometimes it happens. and yeas age gap can be a big reason for it, there is nothing wrong with admitting that either.

For me this does not have its origin in age (in number), but in the nature of the persons themselves. And relationships are ALWAYS work. So the reason doesn't matter, if I may say so. People of the same age can have different life plans just as well and it would not work out accordingly. The reasons that it does not work in a relationship are the ideas and the life plans. I think they are simply the plans of the respective people and world views, and certainly also how you grew up. This also happens to people of the same age. So it is not inevitably the age that is to blame. It's different life plans (e.g. life experience (for me, it always has to do with the circumstances of life and not with age), world view, principles, career, marriage, children etc.) whether it fits. And such things should be clarified beforehand. I agree with that. Communication is also the problem of both of them. Also independent of age. Pan, the older one also behaves immature, although he should know better after his age ... And the boy? He can learn. Such a thing can also be seen as a chance to grow together. Because, if everything else fits ... as I said: communication is key.
I have seen the most different age differences and it was never the age per se the reason for the end of the relationship, but what I just mentioned. Views, plans etc. …

Yes, if you want to have wrecked adults later, you force your kids to give up their dreams. After years of telling them that they can be anything they want and to follow their dreams. No matter what.
Or you are good parents who want to have happy offsprings and support your kids. In any situation. That's what good parents do. Children should be able to try out and develop. And when, against all odds, the kids fail. Simply be there for them. Pick them up and help them try again.

Absolutely right. You cannot judge them by their outward appearance. And obviously there were a lot of blunt prejudices involved. (Even now.) Accordingly, I hope that also Junwoo at least has a little bit of a guilty conscience towards Wooyeon. Even if many people might see it differently, Junwoo also did a lot of things wrong. Both made mistakes. But it's also hard to blame two mentally disturbed people for that.
It is difficult to blame or even condemn someone who is not sure of his emotions. Or can't recall them. Or even how to understand them or things.
But guys, what the fuck does it matter what you call it? Do you always have to call things by their name? Can't one just enjoy the time together and let things run their course? Who gives so much to each other and who feels so good in being together ... And on the other hand, who argues in such a way, that can only be extremely strong affection aka love. The rest comes of its own accord. Don't always think everything over so mercilessly. - although the latter is one of the typical symptoms of depression.
And I say all this as a person whose emotions are completely fucked. But here the logic speaks so strikingly. Now, get a shove and go to the States with him, Junwoo. You have nothing to lose. Only to win. It's a win-win situation for both of you. Go for it! Heal your wounds together.

And there's absolutely nothing to gloss over. Here is someone playing quite plainly with stereotypical features. This certainly has nothing to do with the fact that they were drawn so carelessly for certain reasons. But with the exaggeratedly thick lips and the "joke" with the flying panties, the creator - BAM! - suddenly found back to their love for details!? Seriously! This reminds fatally of various vintage comics and at that time you might have been able to say that it was due to the time. And even then this crap wasn't right. Actually, they were blatant racist caricatures. But now, we are in the 21st century(!), for fuck's sake! Actually one should have learned from old mistakes. Instead, all this disgusting stinking shit comes up again everywhere. And I don't give a flying fuck under which flag racism is conducted. Racism remains racism. There is also no "but …". Also not everything sells under the cloak "comedy" or "art". These are only chickenshit camouflage caps. There are lots of racist comedians, as unfortunately also racist art. I do not call such things clueless or ignorant. Oooh! Well, maybe it's the so-called “Chinese Exceptionalism", huh! - sarcasm off. Call it what you want, it doesn't change the fact what it is: Racism! Period.
For my part, I'm sure as fuck outta here.

Damn(!), this is gonna be pretty interesting, I think. I've scrolled through the Raws a bit and what I've seen so far promises enormous potential. Even though I didn't really understand anything, it looks hella promising. Lots of interesting characters with corners and edges. This might turn out to be another really awesome and thrilling thing after "Dead Days". Anyway, I'm extremely excited!
I'm also deeply in love with the drawing style. At first sight it seems very simple compared to all those colorful webcomics, but if you take a closer look the play of light and shadow is exactly to the point and creates an amazing atmosphere. It's also extremely detailed. Incredible what one can discover in the background. All these filled shelves, the posters etc. And then the drawing strokes and lines are enormously dynamic. I really like that kind of thing! Incredibly good.

It is said that communication is the key, which is basically the case in a normal resp. healthy relationship, no question. But what if you talk to each other regularly, but don't really understand each other due to the respective disorder (keywords: perception and coping mechanism)? Then communication only leads to more and possibly more serious conflicts. Unfortunately I have to say from experience that this cannot be achieved with "simple" communication. That would be really nice if it were that simple. And exactly THIS is presented quite well in this story. This terrible irrationality! Which can strike anytime and anywhere without warning and destroys any created efforts. A relationship of this kind, as they both have, is of course even more fragile, because the two don't really know each other well enough and aren't familiar with each other - yet. I think in such relationships, of course, communication is an important point, but first and foremost TRUST. Deeply felt basic trust! Because if that is given and consolidated, then both sides can be as irrational in their behaviour and in their communication as they might be without causing (irreparable) damage. For one KNOWS that what is said or done is not meant as it appears at that moment. Or as personally. One has a deep trust in the basic character of the partner. My personal experience is that THAT is the most elementary thing in a relationship under such conditions. And, as I have mentioned before, of course the appropriate accompaniment and support from a trained environment. First and foremost by the respective therapists. The latter is damn important. That makes a lot of things a little easier and it helps to understand a good part.
And under appropriate aspects I ask myself whether the two of them are actually connected by a dramatic event or whether their coexistence is meant to be the actual drama. That would be a refreshingly different and certainly interesting approach for this genre. In other words, it's more of a character study than just a sad and dramatic story.
PS: my little flood of words should be neither an ICD- nor any other cock comparison in terms of relationships whatsoever, but rather a personal point of view or insight into (some of) the problems of an affected person with another.

Oh boy, two mentally battered people (I assume also with Wooyeon that it was not "just" a pure desperate act or some call for help.) to take care of each other!? That's a damn bumpy road with a hella lot of huge potholes and side ditches. It's already very hard for healthy people to bear the "whims" and "moods" of a mentally disturbed person and to deal with them accordingly. And then two of the same kind under one roof, who should also deal and/or support each other!? Tough! Extremely so. I'm not saying it's impossible (Sometimes and in certain cases this can also be kind of beneficial.), but I'm absolutely convinced that there should definitely be a good therapist on board, as well as general medical care. And if present family and/or good friends (well-briefed and in a way well instructed by qualified personnel) who look after you every now and then. Especially when the individual phases overlap. Then they can trigger each other violently and thus trigger real "wars". And then both feel guilty in the end and are even more depressed and/or selfhating. It’s a fucking vicious circle ...
In this context, the behaviour of the two, which is logically not comprehensible to the healthy mind, is also explained in a certain way. a) The way in which Wooyeon deals with Junwoo and vice versa, like b) Junwoo e.g. haven't noticed Wooyeon's scars so far isn't too far fetched. Extreme irrationality and misjudgements, numbness and the lack of empathy as well as not to care too much about one's environment are just some of the lovely traits of depressive disorders. Extreme sarcasm as well, by the way. ;-)
... that really hit too close to home. Which means well done ig ...