I'm looking for a manga that has lots of smut but also lots of feelings and angst. I love obsessive semes or ukes. So basically I want an intense read. Any recommendations?
some from here
I don't understand why people say the FL is spineless or forgave gim too easily "after sex". She was hurt because he manipulated her into falling in love and she couldn't trust him. So she manipulated the f*ck out of him, hurt him to the point of despair and destroyed his trust in her. And only when he came back, begged for her love, knelt on his knees for her, kissed her frickin feet ,while he's a king mind you, did she feel like she's able to look past her hurt and say that she loves him. I'd say she got him back pretty good.
I love this dynamic and haven't seen it in another story yet. They're both badasses, yet only weak for each other. They destroyed each other's dignity and yet can't be apart. It's toxic as hell but fun to read about!
Thank god for this spoiler. I was trying to find out what the problem was and why she's angry at him and stuff(did not wanna reread)
It's really 10/10 good, I haven't read a story in this genre that was this good.
Yeah I'd be angry too since he framed her for murder just to get on her good side when he proves her innocent
Dang. I should've known this but I forgot lol
Atleast someone gets it