I don’t understand the hate here. This is a beautiful and tragic story. It’s definitely psycho but this is why we read the ones with these tags. Seriously this is a really good story. I know that I am psycho for liking these types of stories but it’s really a great read. This webtoon is finished with a side story as well, so if you are curious you can read ahead.

The author doesn’t mention anything about being criticized for being too Chinese. It appears she said that it wasn’t her favorite piece bc she prefers more freedom with her work, and felt restricted in the adaptation of someone else’s novel. Where is this hate of Koreans and Chinese and such coming from?
I believe the artist is Korean? This is a manhwa? Korean webtoon? Why the hate for Koreans? Calling another race names is not a great look for fans and creates, guys. The artist Sid she didn’t find this a favorite work for her. Profundis is great I thought. Dark and toxic. So maybe she wanted to focus on her favorite works? I don’t know I am so confused as to this manhwa’s fanbase….
……I find his glasses yuck. I wish he’d take them off. Also, I am so confused. The world building is a little choppy. I may be missing something, but I am hoping the gaps are filled as I keep reading. I am unclear as to what his trigger and ability does. Why does he appear so weak? Also, what is the role dynamic between esper and guide? It seems,as if there are additional powers the guides have in this story compared to typical guide verse.
Oh you’ll get to know more after this it’s going to go into the rabbit hole of Konrads back story
Man he can’t see