i find it funny how people ship junseo/yoonsung and call it their otp, even though they don't even know yoonsung's name and keep on calling him 'red hair dude'.
as much as i'd like junseo to have a happy ending, i'd rather not have him w yoonsung. junseo shows no signs of attraction towards yoonsung (guess what people, angst does not always = "NYAAA KOREABOO EXTRA HOT ANGER SEX HYUNGG~~~", if you have a couple who fight often, then that couple is leading a very unhealthy life/relationship)
and i'm pretty sure we all noticed how yoonsung only sees junseo as a rival/toy.
i'd love it if junseo ended up w jaewon, but we already know that's not going to happen.
idk, i just think that pairing up the other rejected characters w each other is a really cheap way of solving problems like these.
plus, spoilers have said nothing about junseo/yoonsung, so.
please remember this is my opinions and thoughts, so don't act like a baby and argue w me because you can't behave normally.

Yeah same I don't ship them either. Authors should really treat rejected characters better and not just pair them up with the nearest person who's available.
But I do hope Junseo will have a happy ending, whether its with someone else or with just himself.
He deserves all the happiness in the world (/TДT)/

How'd you know Junseo will not ended up with Jaewon...?
Well, I'm just asking because I thought maybe you saw different raws from another link that already the ending... if yes I would like the link pls ^^?
I actually ship Jaewon with Karam, but I get the feeling that Jaewon will def ended up with Junseo. So I'm curious ^^;
Sorry for bad english

i really like the sister, she seems sweet, i really hope things turn for the better for all of them.

let me show you what i think. i honestly see her as someone who really cares for her brother, the reason why she has these 'dark' moments are because she pissed off over the fact that both her boyfriend and brother are keeping secrets from her.
i seriously hope the story doesn't turn her into some kind of possessive girlfriend who tries to kill her brother, it would be a shame if this story would follow such a dull cliche.
oH nO