Some days later the dad came to school and literally beat/punched Hyunwoon (light brown haired guy) in front of the school gate. Luckily Chanil (orange haired guy) comes to the rescue.
In the car, (yeah he return with his dad sh*t) and I'm sorry I use goggle translate I might be wrong here,... The dad told him he was disappointed, he expected him to have mature enough and how he had high expectations for him. But Hyunwon says the dad never had any expectations for him. And poured his heart that he (dad) was never there for him. Ever since he was child.... when he was a child he always waited for his dad at school and was looking forward to seeing him but the dad never came. He also said he realized that the business trips that kept the dad from seeing and look after him were lies. There were NO business trip at all. Implying the dad has a second home/house and basically abandoning him to babysitters. He then ask why his dad hates him so much he's his son after all. All this said while he cries.
The dad didn't say a word for the entirety of his heartbreaking speech.... But just said "Apologize when you see your stepmom."
I. AM. FURIOUS. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸