Not you defending a fucking cheater. Yes we all hated what happened to him. It was the worst fuckings shit ever. But his partner is literally protecting the country. What you're saying is that, it's okay for someone to cheat while their partner is on military duty protecting the fucking country? Mfs y'all are sick.
Not you defending a fucking cheater. Yes we all hated what happened to him. It was the worst fuckings shit ever. But his partner is literally protecting the country. What you're saying is that, it's okay for so... Ace
I’m not saying cheating is great but I think the rape is definitely worst. That’s my opinion. No need to lash out at me.
I’m not saying cheating is great but I think the rape is definitely worst. That’s my opinion. No need to lash out at me. Orpie
Yes i agree rape is the worst thing ever. But his partner genuinely couldn't have done anything about that while being away. And it's not like chris has met him since he arrived. Chris has been out cheating since then. What is his partner supposed to do. So yes while rape is not chris' fault, but blaming it on his partner to justify his own cheating is downright filthy
Yes i agree rape is the worst thing ever. But his partner genuinely couldn't have done anything about that while being away. And it's not like chris has met him since he arrived. Chris has been out cheating sin... Ace
I’m going to stop this here as I know you’ll keep this going. You’re entitled to your opinion and so am I. Leave it be. Thanks.
Not you defending a fucking cheater. Yes we all hated what happened to him. It was the worst fuckings shit ever. But his partner is literally protecting the country. What you're saying is that, it's okay for so... Ace
Don’t blame Chris for wanting better. He was literally r@ped while his so called “protector” was away..
Not you defending a fucking cheater. Yes we all hated what happened to him. It was the worst fuckings shit ever. But his partner is literally protecting the country. What you're saying is that, it's okay for someone to cheat while their partner is on military duty protecting the fucking country? Mfs y'all are sick.
I’m not saying cheating is great but I think the rape is definitely worst. That’s my opinion. No need to lash out at me.
Yes i agree rape is the worst thing ever. But his partner genuinely couldn't have done anything about that while being away. And it's not like chris has met him since he arrived. Chris has been out cheating since then. What is his partner supposed to do. So yes while rape is not chris' fault, but blaming it on his partner to justify his own cheating is downright filthy
I’m going to stop this here as I know you’ll keep this going. You’re entitled to your opinion and so am I. Leave it be. Thanks.
Not you defending the rapist