I know no cheating will ever happen as Yiyoung is obviously very much in love with the Director (and vice versa) y'all need to chill out and I kind of did not like Director Kang's response BUT at the same time I find it realistic and that's where they don't meet. Director Kang is a very realistic person whereas Yiyoung can be a bit of a hopeless romantic (or idealistic) which is NOT bad in any way, I think it's interesting to see how they'll come to terms with their differences and not just their age gap in season 2. The last panel made me laugh tbh plus I am a sucker for pretty people with undereye mole dear god and he's ACTUALLY pretty too i'll take him ><

This is so good i love everything about this!! No unnecessary misundesrstanding and I love how both of them made sure to fix their problems immediately and in a mature way (COMMUNICATION !! they r so sexy for that ><) And the baby goodness dear she' s SO CUTE AAAHHHHHHHH also I feel like their second child will resemble Gain as it wasa black tiger in their dreams this time (Gain has black hair so I just put those two together lol) and if so I would really love to see them ㅠㅠ but yeah all in all this deserves a 5 star PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT ♡♡♡
AND THE CROWD.......does not give a damn???
no fr like can we go back to our main characters please? Don’t need some 10+ chpt backstory typa bs when the chpts are already short enough as is