BoizWhoCry May 8, 2021 11:24 pm

I see some possible character development time

BoizWhoCry May 3, 2021 11:10 pm

Chace be thicc I'm living for all of his outfits oml

BoizWhoCry May 1, 2021 7:06 pm

I'm thinking of dropping because I'm getting bored of the repetitive trope in every arc.

BoizWhoCry April 10, 2021 6:47 pm

Idk if it counts as a spoiler but some of my thoughts about it so far:
God I hate the way the story is going and how Penelope's character development is getting worse. Her thoughts and goals are so contradicting I question why the hell she even puts in the effort to come up with brain dead tactics to get the male lead's affections and how stupid she is for brushing away important details. When Yvonne returns she doesn't do anything about her situation and multiple times it's mentioned she tries to "think of a solution" but only pities herself and puts herself in a bad disposition, making her even more miserable, yet not taking responsibility for how it's herself doing this to herself. In the beginning I brushed off her pessimistic outlook as a result of how she grew up and could relate to her as well, but I'm sick of how her tragic upbringing is her entire personality. Most of her pov makes her look pitiful and sad; she is one of those protagonists who can do no wrong because she was treated badly, but in actuality just isn't doing anything for herself. In the beginning I liked her determination and wit, but it starts to go downhill because it's like she is stuck in a victim mentality and idgaf anymore. She is so sure she'll be miserable and most times doesn't even give a fuck if she lives or dies, so why the hell is she waiting to be saved and even trying? It's like she can't even do anything, but because of plot the story is going on with some whackass stuff like male leads showing up randomly with some poor ass excuses I can't. PLZ PENNY NEEDS SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IM LOSING HOPE

BoizWhoCry February 9, 2021 3:19 am

SPOILER ALERT!!! Please don't read it if you dont want to get spoiled
Navier has twins with Heinry ^^

    Nikki February 9, 2021 3:22 am

    I'm really exited for that scene
    ( also for the damn emperor to lose his memory and suffer)

BoizWhoCry November 4, 2020 3:19 pm

Spoiler alert****
Navier has no personality and is a doormat. She doesn't do anything except stay quiet as all of the things are going on around her. She has status, she has power, she has people backing her, she has a family. She just watched Rashta, a former slave and concubine, with no formal education or self-awareness take things from her. You could refute it by saying,"She is a calm and collected person with maturity that reaches the heavens. She is not a scheming bitch. No way is she going to do something so vengeful, so childish, or so filled with common sense to protect the things she loves." It makes it seem like her character is too "perfect" to change because it DOESN'T CHANGE, and she doesn't learn anything important about herself, like her identity crisis about only knowing how to be an empress, no she learns that she can be somebody else's empress instead and find tRuE lOVe. And the villains in these stories are so dumb. They are just destroying themselves without Navier having to do anything except look down on them sitting on a pedestal looking pure and cool because once again everyone loves her, she is the main character who can do no wrong. This is borderline Mary Sue to me. The plot just drags on and revolves around making her look pitiful and sparkly, while 'exposing' those fakes for the fakes they are. Everyone just supports Navier who has a good background and is presently in a bad situation, while for Rashta it is opposite for a while, with minimum support until she dies. Do you know what it is like to be grow up and be abused by shitty people who think they are superior to you, label you, make fun of you, expect you to bend to their every will. Do you know what it's like to live in poverty? Expecting everyone to turn out like Cinderella is a stretch from reality and I think Rashta has more character than Navier from the entire 210+ chapters I've read from her. I'm not excusing Rashta's or anyone's behavior in any way shape or form, but seriously for the people who aren't thinking and assume that I'm just sympathizing with a 'bitch' and 'slut', maybe think that she is a product of how bad her society is and how there are going to be more like her. So wishing her to die is minuscule compared to a huge chunk of the population. I respect people's opinions even if they differ from mines and welcome anybody's. This is just my pov. I'm not here to tell people they are wrong and refute their opinions no matter what it is.

    Sithreenye November 4, 2020 5:49 pm

    Dang, that’s quite a heated opinion, it feels like this means a lot to you; which don’t get me wrong, is something I admire. I sort of agree with you too about how shitty it is to grow up in the circumstances that rashta grew up in and how she’s a product of her environment but I’d like to argue that Navier is too. I don’t think she’s a Mary Sue, she’s definitely a strong character, a strong woman but she has so many flaws like mainly being too cold and not speaking up enough for herself but she’s also a product of her environment and time. Like, women in that kind of time era didn’t really get nearly as much leeway as they do now or as much as men; so if she acts emotional or makes any wrong move at all she’ll get discarded so quick. It’s so frustrating to read but she does take action, just never for herself. That being said, Rashta is still manipulative trash and it’s not like they have councelors and psychologists but damn she really needs one . Anyhow, it was cool to read your perspective; sorry I kind of wrote a lot.

    BoizWhoCry November 4, 2020 6:13 pm
    Dang, that’s quite a heated opinion, it feels like this means a lot to you; which don’t get me wrong, is something I admire. I sort of agree with you too about how shitty it is to grow up in the circumstanc... Sithreenye

    No worries, you actually have a point about Navier and yeah I didn't notice that wow. It's not like I hate her, I actually like how capable and calm she is in a lot of situations. Ig oop it kind of sounds like I hate her ( ̄∇ ̄")

    shyshyshy November 5, 2020 8:27 pm

    I agree with you with Navier being a doormate, I don't expect a revenge plot but I wish she stand up for herself and also for her brother, but man she didn't do anything when her brother got framed for the second time even though there is a lot of loopholes. She is stuck in that 'I only know how to be an Empress' mindset, if Heinly never proposed to her I bet she is just got divorced and became an Empress again at Soviet beck and calls.

BoizWhoCry November 3, 2020 1:45 am

I know unpopular opinion, but I think Rashta doesn't deserve so much Hate. If you read the novel, it really shows that she is just super insecure about herself and wants somebody to love her to the point where she is very vulnerable to people like Duke Ergi and the Viscount, who manipulate her. Is it selfish to want a better life from a crappy, abusive one? For the people calling her dumb and stupid, she was a SLAVE. Sorry if she didn't get education and was treated as actual trash just as you guys hope for her. Sovieshu was the one who told her it was alright and fed into her insecurities when he referred to her as "just a concubine." That must've hurt because Rashta genuinely thought Sovieshu cared for her and she revealed that she actually loved him. Now I'm not saying she has no faults or anybody who thinks otherwise is wrong, but people threatening to kill her and encouraging her death and her unborn child, chiiilllll.

    rosesarered November 3, 2020 2:04 am

    ok i agree with you, the one we should be mad at is the emperor he is the one that chose Rashta over the Empress he is the one who deserves to go head first into the trash i agree that she is annoying as hell especially when shes talking in third person but other then that (and the clinginess) she kind alright....

    jammy November 3, 2020 2:23 am

    yeah I have to agree that Rashta didn't deserve the treatment because slavery is obviously wrong, but it is also wrong to steal someones husband and think that everything is all right in the world. The husband is also a dick as well.

    Weirdo69 November 3, 2020 2:24 am


    Salty-Sempai November 3, 2020 2:45 am
    yeah I have to agree that Rashta didn't deserve the treatment because slavery is obviously wrong, but it is also wrong to steal someones husband and think that everything is all right in the world. The husband ... jammy

    yea i have to agree with you on that one. As hateful as the author makes Rashta is, she's actually more caring than a typical villain is. She actually cares for her son despite how he was born. But she's also blinded by greed and love because she lacked a lot (good life and love) in her past. It's so wrong of her to continue to act lovingly with the Emperor, but that can't be helped because the shitty emperor is feeding onto it, and he's the real one at fault here. The emperor is the one that should die.

    jammy November 3, 2020 2:50 am
    yea i have to agree with you on that one. As hateful as the author makes Rashta is, she's actually more caring than a typical villain is. She actually cares for her son despite how he was born. But she's also b... Salty-Sempai

    Personally I don't think she is the villaness, she is just the mistress side character. But I think in this type of relationship it takes two to tango, so both of them are in the wrong, no matter what their previous circumstances were.

    Mikan Chan November 3, 2020 3:06 am

    I agree with you. The whole situation wouldn't have risen if that emperor wasn't such a dick head. Ya trashara wasnt the best person. But her actions make sense. Cuz there is literally nothing else that she can do to save herself. If the emperor had some common sense and was faithful to his wife, they wouldn't be in this situation. And who know, trashara would have started a family with her kid. But no. The emperor had to show her bigger dreams.

    Of course, nothing is better than our noble empress who deserves better than this dick head , pathetic, good for nothing, usless emperor.

    A certain birdy is perfect

    jammy November 3, 2020 3:14 am
    I agree with you. The whole situation wouldn't have risen if that emperor wasn't such a dick head. Ya trashara wasnt the best person. But her actions make sense. Cuz there is literally nothing else that she can... Mikan Chan

    YAS QUEEN YAS...... literally lol

    rowli ⁺ₒ✩ November 3, 2020 3:48 am

    literally her ending in the novel was so harsh, her whole life she was disregarded and treated inhumane. she falls in love with a man who doesn’t even want to be with her? wtf? and she has to have his baby which she doesn’t even know is alive or not. rashta has committed crimes but she just wanted to fit in with high society.

    Sd.101 November 3, 2020 3:55 am
    I agree with you. The whole situation wouldn't have risen if that emperor wasn't such a dick head. Ya trashara wasnt the best person. But her actions make sense. Cuz there is literally nothing else that she can... Mikan Chan


    G.O. November 3, 2020 4:30 am

    That’s why she had to go for the emperor who’s married cuz there’s no other fish in the sea....

    Anonymous November 3, 2020 5:10 am

    Contains a spoiler

    In the past I would have agreed with u but after reading the novel....nah
    Here's my reason
    There was a chapter where she wanted to hire a mercenary to kill navies parents, the duek and duchess, and the daughter of viscount roteschu (its been some time so some details are missing sorry)
    She (rashta) goes then to the place where she first was a slave and meets her childhood friend that always was there to help her (also I think he kinda liked her)
    Anyway the conversation leads to her say I trust u so I want u to introduce me to a good mercenary
    He agrees and tells her she would meet him at a certain place
    When she goes there and meets the mercenary, she can't trust his loyalty so she WHAT!!.... SHE TELLS HIM TO GO KILL HER FREIND THE ONE THAT JUST HIRED HIM JUST TO TEST HIM
    ...........and he does ......he brings her his head a couple of hours later
    She then starts crying from the sight but then switches to laughter (⊙…⊙ )

    keakea November 3, 2020 5:23 am
    Contains a spoilerIn the past I would have agreed with u but after reading the novel....nahHere's my reasonThere was a chapter where she wanted to hire a mercenary to kill navies parents, the duek and duchess, ... @Anonymous

    And she lies alot and blatantly lies because the dumb man who is infertile will believe whatever rainy face has to say

    manganiME November 3, 2020 7:05 am

    Sorry, she had a boyfriend. What she wants is power and status, not love. Screw that. She can go die.

    manganiME November 3, 2020 7:08 am

    And living as a concubine, with riches, good food, clothes, and an emperor's attention should have been enough for a slave. That's a huge change in status. But she wanted MORE. She plotted to replace the Empress. She (in the novel) plots to kill people.

    Wanting a better life: got it. Understand.

    But she didn't just want a better life. She wanted to TAKE someone else's life and position and make them suffer.

    So, again, glad the bitch dies.

    keakea November 3, 2020 1:52 pm
    And living as a concubine, with riches, good food, clothes, and an emperor's attention should have been enough for a slave. That's a huge change in status. But she wanted MORE. She plotted to replace the Empres... manganiME

    I haven't read beyond 174 but I'm dieing to know the name of the bf she got plzzzz

    BoizWhoCry November 3, 2020 8:46 pm
    I haven't read beyond 174 but I'm dieing to know the name of the bf she got plzzzz keakea

    She doesn't have a boyfriend(well aside from Sovieshu ig). They found out she had a previous child with Allen and thought they both conspired with each other to make their child royalty.

    manganiME November 3, 2020 9:43 pm
    She doesn't have a boyfriend(well aside from Sovieshu ig). They found out she had a previous child with Allen and thought they both conspired with each other to make their child royalty. BoizWhoCry

    She screwed someone, so I assumed boyfriend/lover.

    manganiME November 3, 2020 9:43 pm
    I haven't read beyond 174 but I'm dieing to know the name of the bf she got plzzzz keakea

    I read recaps from 175 to the end, and I hope they do finish translating the novel and/or comic, because I want to see Rashta and Sovieshu reap what they sowed. Esp. Sovieshu, whom I hate to death.

    manganiME November 3, 2020 9:44 pm
    She doesn't have a boyfriend(well aside from Sovieshu ig). They found out she had a previous child with Allen and thought they both conspired with each other to make their child royalty. BoizWhoCry

    Sovieshu is sterile. That baby she's carrying is not his. So, would that not be a lover/bf or something like that?

    manganiME November 3, 2020 9:45 pm
    She doesn't have a boyfriend(well aside from Sovieshu ig). They found out she had a previous child with Allen and thought they both conspired with each other to make their child royalty. BoizWhoCry

    So, different men impregnated her? Cause she had a previous child. And now she's pregnant. That's not Sovieshu's kid. So....

    BoizWhoCry November 3, 2020 9:54 pm
    So, different men impregnated her? Cause she had a previous child. And now she's pregnant. That's not Sovieshu's kid. So.... manganiME

    Rashta only shouted that he was infertile in desperation and spite because he didn't believe her. It's still unknown; I'm assuming it's Soveishu's kid because duke ergy said Rashta's daughter, Glorym, was Soveishu's and yeeted out of the kingdom.

    manganiME November 4, 2020 5:49 am
    Rashta only shouted that he was infertile in desperation and spite because he didn't believe her. It's still unknown; I'm assuming it's Soveishu's kid because duke ergy said Rashta's daughter, Glorym, was Sovei... BoizWhoCry


    He is infertile.

    manganiME November 4, 2020 5:49 am
    Rashta only shouted that he was infertile in desperation and spite because he didn't believe her. It's still unknown; I'm assuming it's Soveishu's kid because duke ergy said Rashta's daughter, Glorym, was Sovei... BoizWhoCry

    I read the recaps to the end of the novel.
    The kid isn't his.

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