may this kind of love find me
how will the bear fit through
oh no freshman
Oh no
Plot armor.. Whether it s thickness anor thinness.. there s always a wayRight author (⌒▽⌒) ? *definitely not hiding smth behind my back*
Yeah...not any guns or knives
Oh my how savage ! I wouldn't dare !
im not finished reading but god the way sid looks makes me wanna physically throw up he looks disgusting… hes like sid from ice age but even he looks better and the way he acts as well
omg the way the artist draws the chibi of the mc makes me wanna cry please why does all the bad people torment my baby
this is absolute dogshit, dont read this
ah yes you’re allowed to get a new gf every week but hes not allowed to get a friend, makes total sense. I fking hate mls like this
please artist hyun endgame the other guy pmo
the chapters are so short ima let this marinate
omg its back
omg theyre so cute i love them actually
may this kind of love find me