Hi, I'm hoping you could help me. I'm looking for a yaoi I read a while ago and I think is still ongoing. It was about a guy who is helping in his family's bar serving drinks to fishermen. He is dressed like a girl, with long hair and I thnk I remember chinese clothes, and he caughts the attention of one of the young fishermen. He also can't recognize him when he looks like a boy. I thought I had it in my bookmarks, bot I was wrong and I'd like to re-read it. Thanks in advance!!!!
It's true that the last chapter is sad as fuck. But the author is doing this so that we don't forget how things were in the past and how it still is in certain parts of the world, she's diving into a sad but true reality. Sensei is showing how in the past they couldn't even think about being together, in danger of being ostracized, denied by families ad society, and how now there's a possibility to be together and be accepted by all. Our main couple having a chance shows how the world has changed and how it must never go back to not being able to love whoever you want to love.