Dude shouldn't have been the only one to get in trouble or talked about negatively; especially when it was her who started it.
Yes, even if what that lying cheating b*tch said was true about breaking up with his bf, doing it with her, IMO, shouldn't have been an option anyway.
UNLESS, the friends talk about it properly to see if it's right or wrong in their book. Everyone's different.
So, yeah, him asking his bf FIRST on what was going on should've been done before anything else continued.
However, peer pressure is a very real thing and when it comes to teens, some will fall victim to it.
It f*ckin' sucks and I think most of us know this already and/or experienced it.
You see now why rehearsals and reading scripts, even if you have no lines, are crucial?
So, is Father Jian Yi giving He 'Robin Hood' Tian an option to bid on his son or something?
Wonder what He Tian's next line will be.
Something cheesy and romantic, I hope, but it probably will be something to continue downgrading Little Mo-pup's character...
King Cock